I dont want to make this one too graphic, as i'm afraid it might get deleted, but i genuinely am confused about it and would like to know other people's opinions.
My boyfriend and I have been going out almost a year and a half, and are totally in love. and the other day when we were having sex, it seemed even better and more sort of passionate than usual. He was being all loving and affectionate, and then he said "please can i cum in your face". i was taken aback and slightly confused and didnt realy reply, but then he asked again, and because of the heat of the moment and because i love him so much, i said yes.
But i just find that so weird, i know that a lot of guys have a sort of fantasy about doing that because its so common in porn, and they would do it to feel good about themselves, but i dont see this as being a likely reason in this situation. I think its quite degrading. Although i dont mind in retrospect, i love him so its fine, i obviously wouldnt dream of letting someone do that who i hadnt been out with for that long before.
Does anyone know or can think of a reason why he would want to do that so much?