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"Hmm I appreciate you telling me....." what does that mean?

Okay, I'm just a little baffled as to what this could mean...I told this guy who I liked that I liked him yesterday - even though I got the feeling that he had already guessed. However, his words (on computer IM) were "Hmmm, I appreciate you telling me" And then proceeded to flirt profusely...I do not know if I am reading too much into this. He seems to be a natural tease but any thoughts on this?? Good or bad indicator? :biggrin:

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Reply 1
Its hard to say, IM's are a pain, because there just words theres no emotion since you cant see his face.

Bring it up when your in person, see what happens. Avoid making declarations like that on IM's it leads to misunderstandings and can cause alot of harm.
Reply 2
I agree with Glory. It's too hard to tell. Ask him if he want sto meet up and do something. If he's into you, he'll say yes.
Reply 3
Do you think i should just leave it at that and not bring it up again.....i wasn't expecting a chorus of " I like you too" but i don't get to see him as often as I would have like so I used IM. I made it into a joke and laughed about it just so it wouldn't seem like I was expecting him to reciprocate straight away. Is it a bit weird for a girl to be making the first move? it's the first time I have ever done this and it had been bugging me for ages so I had to let him know....
Reply 4
nah, it happens quite often to be honest. Girls are becoming more guttsy when it comes to asking guys out.

Id bring it up again when your in person, avoid using IM's their emotionless. They ruin relationships too, become a poor alternative, people get lazy and dont make and effort to talk in person.
Reply 5
I confessed that I liked a guy over msn and I asked him if he liked me. I didn't get an answer after about an hour of flirting......he never said no though...
Reply 6

I confessed that I liked a guy over msn and I asked him if he liked me. I didn't get an answer after about an hour of flirting......he never said no though...

:banghead: Rock and hard place.....But what abouut the statement.... " hmmm i appreciate you telling me" I felt a "BUT" coming on.....
Reply 7
nah, it happens quite often to be honest. Girls are becoming more guttsy when it comes to asking guys out.

Id bring it up again when your in person, avoid using IM's their emotionless. They ruin relationships too, become a poor alternative, people get lazy and dont make and effort to talk in person.

Great advice Glory....Will try in person instead. Thanks :smile: :rolleyes:
Reply 8
As others had said, thats pretty hard. People do find it hard saying that they don't like somebody though. I've been there and it's been heartbreaking. That phrase does sort of seem like a 'but' should ensue but well, keep on going I say. Don't give up until he says a firm hard NO. To YOU and not to your friends. Thats what I'm doing....
Reply 9
As others had said, thats pretty hard. People do find it hard saying that they don't like somebody though. I've been there and it's been heartbreaking. That phrase does sort of seem like a 'but' should ensue but well, keep on going I say. Don't give up until he says a firm hard NO. To YOU and not to your friends. Thats what I'm doing....

So persistence is a good thing?..Okay.... I would rather hear a NO than be left hanging...So true. It must be difficult to say that you don't like someone... I shouldn't have put him on the spot like that i guess....:rolleyes:

Good luck on your "quest" though :wink: :rolleyes: :biggrin:
Reply 10
Reply 11
I am guessing you don't know the guy i real life? Just on msn? Well Clarence is right you can't fall in love with msn.
Reply 12
I know the guy in real life lol. I've known him for about 2 years.
Reply 13
I am guessing you don't know the guy i real life? Just on msn? Well Clarence is right you can't fall in love with msn.

Ditto @ Clarence....I know the guy in real life and have known him for 4 years!!
Reply 14
Okay, I'm just a little baffled as to what this could mean...I told this guy who I liked that I liked him yesterday - even though I got the feeling that he had already guessed. However, his words (on computer IM) were "Hmmm, I appreciate you telling me" And then proceeded to flirt profusely...I do not know if I am reading too much into this. He seems to be a natural tease but any thoughts on this?? Good or bad indicator? :biggrin:

Surely if he like you he would just say so, especially after you had the courage to confess to liking him? He sounds like a bit of a tease to me.
Reply 15
It sucks doesn't it. Argh. I hate all this between a rock and hard place syndrome. But, my guy, after i told him, he's been way more flirty. Despite the fact he's just gone to america for 3 weeks to stay with his dad. Argh. All we have his msn.
Okay, I'm just a little baffled as to what this could mean...I told this guy who I liked that I liked him yesterday - even though I got the feeling that he had already guessed. However, his words (on computer IM) were "Hmmm, I appreciate you telling me" And then proceeded to flirt profusely...I do not know if I am reading too much into this. He seems to be a natural tease but any thoughts on this?? Good or bad indicator? :biggrin:
I have a simple rule. Friends get calls, texting, emails and IMs, whereas women I'm seeing don't get any IM communication.

My reasoning for this is straightforward: With IMs, you can't guarantee that you'll be positively influencing her state.
Reply 17
It sucks doesn't it. Argh. I hate all this between a rock and hard place syndrome. But, my guy, after i told him, he's been way more flirty. Despite the fact he's just gone to america for 3 weeks to stay with his dad. Argh. All we have his msn.

SOunds like a good sign....:smile:
Reply 18
Surely if he like you he would just say so, especially after you had the courage to confess to liking him? He sounds like a bit of a tease to me.

:frown: I thought as much. But thanks for the tip:biggrin:
Reply 19
Ron Stoppable
I have a simple rule. Friends get calls, texting, emails and IMs, whereas women I'm seeing don't get any IM communication.

My reasoning for this is straightforward: With IMs, you can't guarantee that you'll be positively influencing her state.

Elaborate?:redface: Good insight, thanks:smile: