The Student Room Group

WHY is he leading me on??? :(

I've known this guy for about a year, and have liked him for that long as well. I've never told him how I feel about him, mainly because I don't think he feels the same way, and I'm way too shy. But we were at this really formal party last night, and we spent lots of the evening talking to each other (which I love doing as we have SO much in common and get on really well together) and I keep wondering if there's a chance he does like me. He was being really openly flirtatious etc etc, and we danced together and he kept hugging me and kissing me on the cheek - but that's all. I figure that if he does like me, he would do something about it, say something to me - but he never has. And it's not like he didn't have the opportunity last night. I just keep thinking - if he did like me he would do something about it, and if he didn't then he wouldn't be leading me on like this, sending all these messages! :frown:

And I know people are going to tell me to ask him how he feels - and I probably will at some point - but like I say, I'm very shy and I really really don't want if there's any other advice?

Sorry for another thread like this, but if there are any guys who can interpret this behaviour, I'd appreciate it! Thankyou :smile:
Reply 1
I'd say he's being more open than most. See what he's like with other girls - if he dances with and kisses everyone then it probably doesn't mean much. Otherwise go for him :wink:
Reply 2
He didn't really dance with other girls (of what I saw from last night) but he does get on with loads of girls from different schools etc. And this is my point - I can't just 'go for him' - I don't know if he does like me, and I really want to avoid embarrassment as we are good friends and I'd like to keep that on.
What do your instincts tell you? Think about the way he behaves towards you and girls in general, does he treat you differently? I'd say from what you said he's done in your first post that it's very likely, but only you can tell for sure.
He's waiting for you to do something, and show him if you like him, because he's shown you. Now it's your turn.

If you don't show him, he'd think you're not interesting. Talk about girls being lazy eh? Wanting everything spoon-fed to them.
He's waiting for you to do something, and show him if you like him, because he's shown you. Now it's your turn.

If you don't show him, he'd think you're not interesting. Talk about girls being lazy eh? Wanting everything spoon-fed to them.

Exactly my thoughts - do something to show him how you feel and I'm sure he'll act positively.