The Student Room Group

Crush leaving the country:-(

my crush (of 3+ years) is leaving the country this week and I just dont know what to do. I want to tell him just so that i wont womder 'what if...' but on the other hand wouldnt that be selfish? because no matter what happens he'll be leaving the country and i really wanna keep in touch but i think it'll be really awkward if he doesnt feel the same way..
What should i do???? pls advice he's leaving this friday!!!:frown:

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:redface: I sorta know how you feel, I've liked the guy from round the corner for two years, and know we're moving as my parents have split. I don't have the confidence to say anything. Not the same as your situation but I sympathise so much.
Reply 2
Mine might move. He's out in america at the moment and that is hard enough..
Reply 3
if hes only a crush then you will eventually get over him as we all do with crushes. id understand if he was your bf though
Reply 4
Thats true. But what when the perspective crush is on the so very verge of becoming a boyfriend?
sooooooooo happy.. i told him n he postphoned his flight haha.. sooo happy.. might still be leaving but at least not a day after i confessed lol..
thanx fo your replies;-)
Reply 6
sooooooooo happy.. i told him n he postphoned his flight haha.. sooo happy.. might still be leaving but at least not a day after i confessed lol..
thanx fo your replies;-)

Aww that was really nice of him :biggrin: Good luck and have fun!
This happened to me in November, my nextdoor neighbour who is four years older than me and who I have a crush on, went to travel the world (it was meant to be for a year).... I was gutted as he'd asked me out before he left. But he's coming back next week and he'll be around all summer. The trouble is I don't know whether to tell him that I like him when he gets back because I'm going to uni 3 hours away in September and he might be rejoining the army anyway :frown:

Nice one that you got him to postpone his flight btw op!
Reply 8
sooooooooo happy.. i told him n he postphoned his flight haha.. sooo happy.. might still be leaving but at least not a day after i confessed lol..
thanx fo your replies;-)

Aww! thats so sweet! It's such a brave thing for you to do! I can understand i am a shy person aswell. It takes alot out of you to do it. I can understand why you are so happy :biggrin: You should be:biggrin: I hope everything works out for you :biggrin:
Thank You!!!! I cant believe i actually did it.. i just told myself that i had nothing to lose because he'd be leaving anyway and so i got up the courage (after an hour of talking of other things) to tell him.. i dont regret it a bit.. probably the smartest thing i've done in a long time.. Now i cant stop smiling lol.. For everyone else above who are in a similar situation: JUST GO FOR IT!!!!
Reply 10
Thank You!!!! I cant believe i actually did it.. i just told myself that i had nothing to lose because he'd be leaving anyway and so i got up the courage (after an hour of talking of other things) to tell him.. i dont regret it a bit.. probably the smartest thing i've done in a long time.. Now i cant stop smiling lol.. For everyone else above who are in a similar situation: JUST GO FOR IT!!!!

Yeah i know the feeling! :biggrin: Like you i got the courage to do it! So i just did, then i just got the hugest grin on my face lol! I am glad you did it.
Reply 11
I'm so jealous!
I'm so jealous!

Me too *sighs* :wink:
Reply 13
This is going to be a completely odd question, but by any chance is he going to Italy?
Reply 14
heyyy, this is so nice! thank you for sharing it with us!

just a suggestion:
why not take you with him on the travel?:captain:
that would be so romantic and cool!

give me his phonenumber and i`ll mention it to him! :smile: :date:
Reply 15
the guy i really liked moved 4 years ago to new zealand.. i found out afterwards that he really liked me!! how crap is that??
my advice to you - tell him!!! you have nothing to lose, and if he doesnt feel the same way at least you have closure.. i was gonna do this when i fancied a guy from work i liked, i'd found out he was moving to wales.. i was a week to late! but seriously just take a deep breath and do it - dont think about it first or you wont!
Reply 16
Aww that's wonderful, i'm glad it turned out well :smile:

My Boyfriend's (well now ex I guess) is going travelling for a year. He leaves on Tuesday. I'm heatbroken and need to pull myself together before I become a sad loser haha.

just a suggestion:
why not take you with him on the travel?:captain:
that would be so romantic and cool!

Thanx.. i couldnt go with him cuz i'm off to uni soon.. but nice idea.. wish that were possible.. however he is working and that was why he was going to leave the country but he has an interview next week so i really hope it works out so he can stay.. aahhh.. can't stop smiling ;grin;;grin;;grin;
"Crush". What a stupid word.
Reply 19
hey iv been in the exact same situation.. liked a guy so much for 4 years.. as crazy as that sounds then he emmigrated to New Zeland and i was glad i didnt say anything because ultimately nothing could have happened as he had to go and that was telling him probably would have made it worse and it was better just to stay friends and not have that potentially made awkward just by blurting out what i felt. i hope this helps, and trust me u will move on once they go becuase u just know u have to , and having them around no longer helps. xx