The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I am also being ignored mate, forget it

I think they have given all 200 out and have put a reasonable amount on the waiting list. Rest of us nomatter how many emails we send its useless....
Reply 2
Well they could at least let us know we've been rejected. It sounds like you are right, but I surely hope not :frown: thought I had a good case to get one too...
Well they could at least let us know we've been rejected. It sounds like you are right, but I surely hope not :frown: thought I had a good case to get one too...

Likewise :frown:, i havent heard back neither! Ah well, theres still that hope they get in touch with me soon.. a grand will come in handy!!
Reply 4
I'm guessing it's too late too apply :p:
Probably. I don't think i'd get it anyhow. I think my Dad went to uni, and my Mum is just finishing her degree. Plus I can't be arsed getting ANOTHER reference. Agh.
Reply 6
It's silly because Im a prime candidate but aint gettin it cos I didnt know which Uni I wanted to go to till march which is acceptable.....

I am gettin full grants cos my family income is in the lowest bracket
None of my family has gone to Uni
I'm coming from far away so travel expenses,
I probably wont be staying at home during my holidays so need to find other accomodation

But they give it to people who applied fast...
Reply 7
I applied as soon as I found out about it, and got it in a day before the Febuary deadline, way before I made my choice of whether to go to Sussex as that is what they advised... it's best to be early with these things, unfortunately the early bird gets the worm and all that.

Is the deadline definitely passed? I know they had a febuary date which if you got in before that they would inform you earlier but then there was another later date, it may not be too late...?? There may be other scholarships you could apply for, check out the site!

Look under the 'funding' tab, has details of scholarships and stuff.

You could probably still apply and get put on the list?
Guys!... we may still have a chance!..

Just recieved this email saying..

Dear Daniel

On the 12th May we sent a letter to you concerning your application to the Chancellor's Scholarship. At that time we had not awarded you a scholarship but had included your application in a reserve pool to be reconsidered at a later date.

We had hoped to have made a final decision on your application by the end of June but as we are still receiving applications we are unable to do so. It is felt that we will be able to make a final decision on your application by late July/early August.

I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Yours sincerely,

Shirley Sheppard
Financial Assistance Officer
Scholarships and Bursaries Office

Soo err yeh!.. still a chance :smile:
So which is the Chancelor's scholarship? Is that for like the super brainy/talented people?
Don't they just ever have regular scholarships for normal people, I'd have liked one! Although I'm not particularly deserving..:p:
THey should have a few which are just luck of the draw scholarships, would be nice..:smile:
It's for people with a household income under £24k who don't have a history of HE in their family. (Although if only one parent did uni you might still be able to argue your way to get one.)

Remember kids, if you're a poor like me and are on the max £2700 maintenance grant then you will get an extra £1000 bursary from Sussex automatically. (Your LEA will send your details over.) Although you can still try for the Chancellors scholarship and may be entitled to both.
Reply 12
Got a letter 2day, ent gettin it...
Reply 13
I got a letter almost identicle to 'thenaughtyjoker', wonder how many they've put in the reserve poool. Still I should be happy it's not a direct no. So Freezer your not getting it? Cos I have similar circumstances and is worrying if you can't get it.
Reply 14
Most people who applied for it I heard are sure Sussex is there Firm, thats why they applied so early.... the only way reserve people get it, is if people miss there grades and dont get accepted which wont be many out of 200.

But still dont worry man you're in the reserve pool theres still a chance.... you'll probably find out after results day I dunno.
Reply 15
:eek: Freezer, I think you are right! Damn it! That means I have no chance! But doesn't everyone who gets the full grant get £1000 anyway? Guess that will do...
well if its any indication - i have an unconditional offer and will definitely be going to sussex and im still in the reserve pool.
Reply 17
Its tough but I guess they are giving it to some very extreme cases, I aint bothered cos I will work at University aswell and can survive easily on the full grants and a part time job.