The Student Room Group
Reply 1
whatever floats your boat mate.
Alright, I have quite a few red spot of my forehead and i sometimes use foundation (my sisters, of course) to cover that s*** up. Wondering is this kind of odd in anyway? And does any other guy in here do the same.

And im not gay :p:

In that case are your a meterosexual???
Reply 3
Not really. I expect more blokes do it that admit to it.
Try investing in a good face wash if you're worried though - something like Clearasil Deep clean is really good.
Reply 4
I am a lil bit
Reply 5
Some guy at my college used to come in caked in orange foundation. If you're going to wear it then make sure it at least matches your skin colour. It does look weird though, because foundation may hide the redness but you can still see bumps so it's usually quite easy to tell when someone's wearing it.
It doesn't strike me as tremendously weird for you to use foundation, but on the other hand, I wouldn't have really expected it either.
Irrelevant Skin Advice:
1) I doubt the foundation will be helping your skin overall, unless you borrow your sister's make-up remover to clean it all up. I know that when I start wearing foundation and too many things like that, my skin starts getting unhappy. MissHero's right about trying to prevent/cure spots, rather than trying to hide them.
2) Since your skin's not so good on your forehead, it made me think that if you have a fringe, perhaps that is irritating your skin, especially if it's a fringe that you're constantly flicking out of the way. Maybe a different haircut would improve your skin?
Sorry for throwing in random advice there - I know you weren't asking for stuff like that, but I thought it might be worth a mention.
Reply 7
hehe maybe you are meterosexual! i always feel sorry for guys, bcos my skin looks so much better sometimes with make up on! i agree with taking care of your skin, even if it's 3 in 1 cleanser, toner and moisturising wipes. but there are actually make up ranges for men, like the ones in the link below that could be handy!
Reply 8
Instead of just covering them up, you should try to get rid of them? I agree with MissHero.
Reply 9
It doesn't strike me as tremendously weird for you to use foundation, but on the other hand, I wouldn't have really expected it either.
Irrelevant Skin Advice:
1) I doubt the foundation will be helping your skin overall, unless you borrow your sister's make-up remover to clean it all up. I know that when I start wearing foundation and too many things like that, my skin starts getting unhappy. MissHero's right about trying to prevent/cure spots, rather than trying to hide them.
2) Since your skin's not so good on your forehead, it made me think that if you have a fringe, perhaps that is irritating your skin, especially if it's a fringe that you're constantly flicking out of the way. Maybe a different haircut would improve your skin?
Sorry for throwing in random advice there - I know you weren't asking for stuff like that, but I thought it might be worth a mention.

Thanks for all that. I try my best to prevent them from popping up but it a struggle. And I only put the foundation on very sparsely just to lighten the redness.
Thanks for all that. I try my best to prevent them from popping up but it a struggle. And I only put the foundation on very sparsely just to lighten the redness.

Heck. I wish more girls were as good at make-up as you :smile: Seriously.
110% homogay. why not try preventing the spots in the first place rather than just covering them up? im sure youve heard it all before but drink lots of water, rinse face with just warm water often etc etc.
Reply 12
"prevent spots in the first place" - if it was that easy to do in the first place i'm sure many people would choose that rather than go on drugs that could possibly damage the body to prevent them.

I'm sure guys do that, and don't some skin companies sell "cover-up sticks" which is just basically a concealer?
Reply 13
Since we're on the topic of spots...can excessive spots be a genetic thing?:confused:

coz my bf has spots and alot of redness even though he does cleanse and carefully apply spot cream on every night and his diet isn't really junky or greasy, he actually eats healthily. The spots really get him down though and i do try to help him:frown:
Reply 14
Since we're on the topic of spots...can excessive spots be a genetic thing?:confused:

coz my bf has spots and alot of redness even though he does cleanse and carefully apply spot cream on every night and his diet isn't really junky or greasy, he actually eats healthily. The spots really get him down though and i do try to help him:frown:

Could be extra testosterone from working out, if he does
I use my sis' foundation too, haha. I don't see anything wrong with it...
Use a green concealer not foundation, or everyone will see it and think you're a drag queen.
i agree with using concealer! was just about to add that, and make sure it matches with your skin tone. hmm emo guys can where makeup without being called gay, actually maybe that's a whoole other story
Reply 18
lol makeup for men
Reply 19
lol 8 year thread revival :lolwut: