You can also do Classical Archeology and Ancient History at Oxford. A course almost exclusive to Oxford, everything is done in English and is just as flexible as straight Classics (you can choose to do Latin and Greek, or avoid it completely if you want). There is also subjects like Classical Civilisation (which i do at A level at a State College - straight Classics does appear to be very 'private sector') and Ancient History at universities, which are essentially the same as Classics excpet things are done in English.
I've been reading into this myself as i'm considering doing CAAH. I was thinking of doing the Classics course II, but although they say you can start from scratch doing Latin/Greek, they teach you A level Latin/Greek in like 8 weeks, so you have to be mustard at picking up and understanding langauge structures. From my knowledge, kids from my college who have done the Course II have had A*'s in modern langauges at GCSE and/or have A's in a modern lanauge at A level, i.e. they are generally good at picking up new langauges quickly. I myself got a B and a C (my lowest grades on my entire GCSE results slip) in my modern langauges, although i was good at picking it up, it just didnt interest me, so i dont think the language way is for me!
Incidentally, to anyone who is knowledgeable in the Classics area, what is the repuation of courses like Classical Civilisation or Classical Archeology and Ancient History? are they considerd a bit mickey mouse or what? I dont think CAAH from Oxford is, as anything from Oxford is top notch, but i think it might be else where.