Poems, cooking, it's all to cliche. Do something original. What kind of guy is he? Maybe if you explain the type of person he is, what relationship you two held it would be more easy to suggest ideas. But your budget is quite low. If that's all you got, or if you are too cheap to spend more then treat him to do a day out. Spend a nice day with him. I got an idea - if you are going london anyway with him, do the romantic idea. Wear something really special and ask him to wear a suit. Go out on a romantic date in london you can find plenty of things to do, it is london! However please go to the nice areas of london, a romantic drip down East London isnt ideal. It will cost more but you said this is the only chance you got, so use it! Final surpise would be romantic room you have created in a hotel room. It would be amazing, guys love this kind of stuff. What you do in the hotel room . . . well Apagg (3 posts above me) gave a nice little suggestion.