The Student Room Group

dianette problems???

Ive been reading alot about the side effects of dianette and im thinking whether or not I should get myself off it. In the last three months ive been really emotional. Crying alot even at stupid things which shudn't bother me..snapping alot at people. Ive also put on around half a stone even though ive not eaten any diffently than i have before. Im nomally prone to headaches but recently they have just gotten worse. The thing is i dont know whether im just being paranoid linking all these factors to the pill because ive read that they could be side effects,Ive been under alot of stress lately so that could be a factor or whether or not it is due to the pill. has anyone else had the same sort of thing happen to them on this pill?? Should i just get myself off it or maybe wait it out?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You're hormones will be completely imbalanced at the moment, and sorting themselves out, so thats why your emotions are all over the place. Some people do put on weight, some lose it... it all depends on the person and their metabolism so i suggest you go to your gp or a family planning clinic and talk to them! they may be able to prescribe something else, or tell you what to do to alleviate these problems :biggrin: xxx
Reply 2
You're on it because of acne right? If your skin has cleared up and its making you really hormonal then you should probably come off of it but speak to your doctor first. Also, how long have you been on it? you sholdn't be on it for more than two years.
I'm not on Dianette (I'm on Cilest) but I have experienced similar side effects. Terrible mood swings for most of my cycle, becoming very emotional. I've also put on weight as I feel like eating more. I am thinking of just stopping taking the pill at all but as I use it to help my period and as a form of contraception, I really don't want to.

I suggest you go to the doctors. They do seem like typical side effects of the pill, however they might not be. Your doctor can advice you. He/she will probably get you to swap brands & if that doesn't work, suggest another form of contraception.
Reply 4
My sister has been having some problems with Dianette. She's been taking it for 2 months and for some reason she has had a period for three weeks!