The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Thinking ahead a bit aren't you? Its different from each may ball but all colleges I think give their students (and alumni?) priority and then open up ticket sales to other colleges. At colleges like JOhns and trinity this hardly ever happens but they only sell 'double tickets' so plenty of people buy a ticket and get a friend to come along or sell it at vastly inflated prices. At most colleges you can also invite friends along from outside cambridge but I dont think they can buy tickets directly for the most part, i think a valid member of the uni needs to buy them on their behalf
Reply 2
for the majority of may balls/june events, any cambridge student can apply for tickets, although priority is given to students at that given college. As a result the most popular college may balls (e.g. Johns) only allow johns students to buy tickets. However, absolutely anyone is entitled to attend a may ball, provided someone has bought them their ticket (some people invite their parents for example).
hehe parents at a Mayball?
As a result the most popular college may balls (e.g. Johns) only allow johns students to buy tickets.

What, Trinity only allows Johns students to buy tickets? :eek: :wink: /pedant

I believe that guests have to be bona fide acquaintances, though this is loosely interpreted and pretty much includes everything but "random bidder on eBay". A friend of mine took one of my friend's brother's girlfriend or the like - the seller had met no one on the buyer's side before!

Also, obviously, guests need to be over 18 - alcohol and all that.
Reply 5
Alumni can buy tickets to balls at their old colleges (or, we can at mine, anyway). Anyone know if graduated types can buy tickets for other balls? I've always thought probably not...
Reply 6
scarlet ibis
hehe parents at a Mayball?

Yep, it's not entirely unknown, and several of my friends had parents at either this year's or last year's ball. I wouldn't take mine because I don't think they'd last the night and it's v expensive, but it does happen.