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Original post by medicinemedic
Hello Alice,

I am a student who applied for the pre-medical course through UCAS EXTRA very recently- just wondered when I should expect to hear a reply?

Thank you!


You should receive a confirmation email when we receive your application, after this we typically aim to be in touch with an applicant within 10-15 days of having submitted an application. This may be a decision transmitted via UCAS or interview invite where appropriate.

I hope this helps.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Hi, do you group mature students together in halls?

Had a quick skim of the thread but couldn't see this already asked.


Original post by Stanley Winchest
Hi, do you group mature students together in halls?

Had a quick skim of the thread but couldn't see this already asked.



Hello Stan,

Students have the opportunity to add extra information to a College/accommodation application, so, if you wanted to share a residence with students who classed themselves as mature or live in a quieter flat for example then you do have the opportunity to specify this and wherever possible the Colleges and accommodation will take this into consideration. We are not able to guarantee we can fulfill every preference but aim to do so.

Depending upon your preferences you may find that a certain type of accommodation will suit your needs without having to specify any further preferences. For a quick low down on the accommodation types available please see the following link:

I hope this helps.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Reply 63
Unless your degree programme's title has 'Study Abroad' in the name, is it impossible for you to study abroad?

If it is allowed, then what are the chances of being accepted at a partner university relative to students who are on SA degrees?

If it's not allowed, are there no international opportunities whatsoever?

Really looking forward to apply to Lancaster for 2015 entry but I'd also really like to study abroad as part of my degree. Thank you!
Original post by NikolaT
Unless your degree programme's title has 'Study Abroad' in the name, is it impossible for you to study abroad?

If it is allowed, then what are the chances of being accepted at a partner university relative to students who are on SA degrees?

If it's not allowed, are there no international opportunities whatsoever?

Really looking forward to apply to Lancaster for 2015 entry but I'd also really like to study abroad as part of my degree. Thank you!

Hello Nikola,

Most Lancaster students have the opportunity to study abroad during their degree, either for a full year or on a termly basis. For further details please see the following link:

Those courses with listed study abroad options via UCAS may only have a certain number of vacancies at specific partner institutions but it is still possibly to join the study abroad scheme if you meet the relevant criteria (acceptable 1st year scores for example).

It is also possible to study or work within Europe via the Erasmus scheme (again details can be found via the above link).

A final alternative (or addition) to study abroad that may interest you is the Students Union overseas volunteering programmes, currently students have the opportunity to travel to, work and learn in China, Ghana, Malaysia and India:

If you would like any further information do not hesitate to contact our International Office who would be happy to discuss the study abroad opportunities and much more with you, you can contact them directly via [email protected]

Best wishes,

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]

I'm interested in doing lots of different courses when I'm older. At Lancaster, is it possible to take 2-3 courses at once?

Thanks for your time.
Original post by lilamberstone

I'm interested in doing lots of different courses when I'm older. At Lancaster, is it possible to take 2-3 courses at once?

Thanks for your time.


In one word, YES!

There are a wide variety of joint honours courses at Lancaster covering combinations from Economics and Geography, Theatre Studies and Creative Writing, Theoretical Physics with Mathematics to Philosophy with Chinese, for full details on all current courses please see our course information.

Certain subjects such as Natural Sciences allow you to study two or more subjects under the one degree title, although primarily a science degree it is possible to study up to one quarter of your degree in a non-science subject.

Alternatively if you wish to study a combination of subjects not listed as a joint honours course, or, not available under a combined degree such as Natural Sciences it is still possible to study a wide variety of subjects under our flexible study scheme. Flexible study allows you to study up to three subjects in your first year after which you can choose to continue studying one or two of your first year courses for the remainder of your study and graduate with a tailor made joint honours degree, this does not have to include the original course you applied for.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Reply 67
Hi, I am a student studying my first year at a different university and wish to reapply because both the course and university do not suit me. Is it still possible at this late stage to apply for 2014 entry, will my accommodation choices be limited and also, am I able to combine criminology with business studies using the flexible study scheme?

Original post by helenaaaa
Hi, I am a student studying my first year at a different university and wish to reapply because both the course and university do not suit me. Is it still possible at this late stage to apply for 2014 entry, will my accommodation choices be limited and also, am I able to combine criminology with business studies using the flexible study scheme?



Yes, you can make a standard UCAS application up until the 30th June. Not all courses are available at this late stage, for details on available courses please get in touch with our Undergraduate Admissions team via [email protected].

Your accommodation options will not be limited, although we will ask you to make your choices around June the actual allocation will not be finalised until August. As with all other applicants you may not get your first or second choice College/accommodation depending on the overall popularity but where possible we aim to do so.

As you have studied elsewhere and wish to apply again, to Lancaster, we may ask for a reference from your current university (to confirm you are in good academic standing) or require that you achieve a certain score from your first year (if you intend to complete it), this will depend on your situation and circumstances. For a more comprehensive idea of what we may require from you I again advise emailing our undergraduate admissions team who would be happy to advise you.

Subject to timetabling it would certainly be possible to study Criminology alongside Business Studies although your major department may have recommended subjects to study at minor level. Your major department of choice would be happy to advise you as to the recommended minor subjects and whether any that do not appear on the list are acceptable.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Reply 69
Original post by Lancaster University

Yes, you can make a standard UCAS application up until the 30th June. Not all courses are available at this late stage, for details on available courses please get in touch with our Undergraduate Admissions team via [email protected].

Your accommodation options will not be limited, although we will ask you to make your choices around June the actual allocation will not be finalised until August. As with all other applicants you may not get your first or second choice College/accommodation depending on the overall popularity but where possible we aim to do so.

As you have studied elsewhere and wish to apply again, to Lancaster, we may ask for a reference from your current university (to confirm you are in good academic standing) or require that you achieve a certain score from your first year (if you intend to complete it), this will depend on your situation and circumstances. For a more comprehensive idea of what we may require from you I again advise emailing our undergraduate admissions team who would be happy to advise you.

Subject to timetabling it would certainly be possible to study Criminology alongside Business Studies although your major department may have recommended subjects to study at minor level. Your major department of choice would be happy to advise you as to the recommended minor subjects and whether any that do not appear on the list are acceptable.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]

Thank you,

Sorry to be a pain, I just have a few more questions:
How popular are the lower priced accommodations?
Is there a good chance I would get a basic standard room if I put that as first?

I shall email admissions as suggested, however, I have completed my first year (still awaiting exam results) however in all my coursework and presentations I achieved a 2:1 consistently though out.
Is that kind of what you are expecting and what is acceptable from my first year?

Would you be able to point me in the direction of either or both of the criminology and business departments so I could enquire about this please?

Again thank you for your response!
Original post by helenaaaa
Thank you,

Sorry to be a pain, I just have a few more questions:
How popular are the lower priced accommodations?
Is there a good chance I would get a basic standard room if I put that as first?

I shall email admissions as suggested, however, I have completed my first year (still awaiting exam results) however in all my coursework and presentations I achieved a 2:1 consistently though out.
Is that kind of what you are expecting and what is acceptable from my first year?

Would you be able to point me in the direction of either or both of the criminology and business departments so I could enquire about this please?

Again thank you for your response!


I'm unsure of the overall popularity of each individual accommodation type but the accommodation team would be happy to advise you further, you can contact them directly via [email protected]. The newer accommodation options tend to be the most popular so if you were to choose standard accommodation options in a number of College you stand an excellent chance of being allocated one of your ideal choices.

Where completing a first year elsewhere, on top of suitable A-Level or equivalent qualifications, we would generally look for a 2:1 overall, so your current predictions are certainly inline with this.

Business studies students study a number of programmes taken from across the Management school, all of which not all may be available to minor students so I advise that you contact the Management School undergraduate office via [email protected]. For information on our Criminology courses please contact Karen Hughes via [email protected].

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Reply 71
Original post by Lancaster University

I'm unsure of the overall popularity of each individual accommodation type but the accommodation team would be happy to advise you further, you can contact them directly via [email protected]. The newer accommodation options tend to be the most popular so if you were to choose standard accommodation options in a number of College you stand an excellent chance of being allocated one of your ideal choices.

Where completing a first year elsewhere, on top of suitable A-Level or equivalent qualifications, we would generally look for a 2:1 overall, so your current predictions are certainly inline with this.

Business studies students study a number of programmes taken from across the Management school, all of which not all may be available to minor students so I advise that you contact the Management School undergraduate office via [email protected]. For information on our Criminology courses please contact Karen Hughes via [email protected].

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]

Thank you for your responses,

I will get in contact with the relevant people.
Even if I am looking to restart from first year, would it be fundamental to gain a 2:1 overall (I am concerned my exams may have let me down) As in, I want to completely restart as if I was coming straight from college or whatever!?

Thanks again
Original post by helenaaaa
Thank you for your responses,

I will get in contact with the relevant people.
Even if I am looking to restart from first year, would it be fundamental to gain a 2:1 overall (I am concerned my exams may have let me down) As in, I want to completely restart as if I was coming straight from college or whatever!?

Thanks again

It may not be instrumental, particularly if you meet or exceeded the initial entry requirements but I am afraid that I could not give you a guarantee at this point. A final decision on a suitable offer would generally be made after receiving a UCAS application.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Reply 73
Hi Guys at the admissions!

I recently firmed lancaster for law with criminology and they sent me a letter saying that if i got 5 B's i would still be in. What happens if I slip a grade?
Hello there, I am wondering whether the Accounting, Finance and Mathematics course at Lancaster will result in me being exempt from certain ACCA exams (and others), and what you expect in a personal statement (do you want lots of experience in economics or is a passion for maths okay?)
Original post by lightningdoritos
Hello there, I am wondering whether the Accounting, Finance and Mathematics course at Lancaster will result in me being exempt from certain ACCA exams (and others), and what you expect in a personal statement (do you want lots of experience in economics or is a passion for maths okay?)


A number of Management School courses can lead to exemptions from certain professional qualification exams, for details on those included please contact the Management School undergraduate team via [email protected]. You can also find details directly from the ACCA.

A personal statement forms an important part of the UCAS application. The admissions officers look for real interest in the subject; Good points to include are any particular area of your academic studies so far, extracurricular activities and wider reading that you feel have influenced you and why they prompted you to apply for the subject area . Paid or voluntary work experience would certainly be of benefit but is in no way necessary, we realise that it is not always possible to arrange for or obtain subject specific or relevant experience.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Original post by shuffles
Hi Guys at the admissions!

I recently firmed lancaster for law with criminology and they sent me a letter saying that if i got 5 B's i would still be in. What happens if I slip a grade?


If you have had an email or letter from one of our academic departments regarding alternative entry grades, this will be applied in the summer once your results are released. As long as you meet your offer conditions stated via UCAS or those included in any further official correspondence to you, you will be guaranteed the unconditional place on the course. Should you fall a grade below the specified requirements your application will be reconsidered and there is still a chance that you will be made the unconditional offer but at this point this cannot be guaranteed.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Original post by Lancaster University

A number of Management School courses can lead to exemptions from certain professional qualification exams, for details on those included please contact the Management School undergraduate team via [email protected]. You can also find details directly from the ACCA.

A personal statement forms an important part of the UCAS application. The admissions officers look for real interest in the subject; Good points to include are any particular area of your academic studies so far, extracurricular activities and wider reading that you feel have influenced you and why they prompted you to apply for the subject area . Paid or voluntary work experience would certainly be of benefit but is in no way necessary, we realise that it is not always possible to arrange for or obtain subject specific or relevant experience.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]

Thanks for the information. I have another question. Do you have a suggested reading list for those who are interested in the course?
Original post by lightningdoritos
Thanks for the information. I have another question. Do you have a suggested reading list for those who are interested in the course?

The best people to contact regarding suggested reading material are the academic department. I advise you email the Management School directly via [email protected], the team will be happy to help.

Alice Harpley | Undergraduate Admissions Officer
Lancaster University
E: [email protected]
Reply 79
What happens if you miss the entry requirements by one grade? Will i be a definite no? I've applied for psychology Bsc

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