The Student Room Group

Will I fit in?

I'm a guy and will be starting uni this september and hoping to make a whole load of new friend - like everyone else.

The thing is that I know a lot of people who see uni as an opportunity to get, well pissed!? And I'm not one of those people who enjoy drinking and having long nights out.

Will this effect my chances of making 'cool' friends? And one more thing I will be staying at home this year.

Please reply with truthful information; DON'T worry about 'hurting' my feelings with the truth!

Reply 1
Not drinking wont affect it...

Staying at home will from my experience... My brother stayed at home and his friends now are the people from school who went to the same uni... I went away and made a completely new set of friends - you have to because you live with them 24/7...
Reply 2
What makes it even more awkward is that I'm hoping to stay on campus for my second year!
Im going to uni too in september. Personally I like to drink when I go out, but its not a must. The great thing about uni ( and im sure some people will agree ), is that there are so many different kinds of people, so youre bound to fit in somewhere if you make the effort.

Dont worry man, loads of people feel the same. Hey, youll probably change your mind once you get there. :wink:
Reply 4
Get the Jim Beam down you!!
I love Schloer!
Reply 6
I'm a guy and will be starting uni this september and hoping to make a whole load of new friend - like everyone else.

The thing is that I know a lot of people who see uni as an opportunity to get, well pissed!? And I'm not one of those people who enjoy drinking and having long nights out.

Will this effect my chances of making 'cool' friends? And one more thing I will be staying at home this year.

Please reply with truthful information; DON'T worry about 'hurting' my feelings with the truth!


i moved away from home to Reading last september to do an art foundation course & i was pretty scared that people would always wanna go out, cos like i was worried about money & stuff. so instead, we'd like have a movie night once a week in the kitchen on our floor of the halls, cos it was fun, but cost a lot less to just rent a film, get some snacks & stay up all night laughing. was wellll good! :]
Reply 7
Taste and hop about in the first week or so. Then start to form friendships.
Reply 8
Plus, if you're uncomfortable about having to go home every night, I'm sure your (new) friends will let you stay with them in their halls/ accommodation.
Reply 9
Taste and hop about in the first week or so. Then start to form friendships.

*Taste some hops in the first week or so.

I assume you meant to type that :wink:
Im going to uni in sept and im the same- xcept i dont intend to drink at all- but i still xpect to be abl to hav a gd time! my sis was the same n she had an amazin uni xperience!
I don't particuarlly like drinking so when I go out I either drink slowly or have soft drinks too. But going out does help make you friends. I remember in lower sixth not getting on too well with some of the upper sixth but as soon as I went out and they were there too we became better buddies, it's almnost bonding. Nights out with people does make you friends as you have more to talk about, experiences to share etc.
nah drinking shouldn't affect it. it would be kind of sad if people based friendships upon drinking activities or if they made friends with someone solely because they are funny when drunk. just join a lot of social activities and you'll be okay.
why are you staying at home for the first year if you plan to move out in 2nd year?

omg is your name brian? or alternatively, do you know a brian lennon?

hahah okay. first of allll, you could have easily gotten my name off my public profile. secondly, if you were the brian lennon i hoped you would be, you woudln't call me 'vicki'. nice try though :smile:
damn. it would've been funny because he is my art teacher and often refers to himself as "the lennon".
Well, I have a friend at Uni who doesn't drink at all, and it hasn't stopped him from having a great time. But on the other hand, he stayed in halls in 1st year (where I met him) and he comes out drinking and has a good time with us, just sticks to drinking soft drinks. Though he usually heads home when the bars close (about midnight) when we all head to the union or a club (until at least 3am usually). That's understandable though, the conversation tends to become a little less intellectually stimulating at that point :biggrin:.

Sooo, if I'm honest, my opinion is that simply "not drinking" won't be a problem for you, but staying at home often is (I did it the first time I went to Uni, it was hell, and probably a big factor in me not enjoying the experience overall and dropping out) and if you really avoid going out at all it'll obviously limit the number of friends you'll make.

Of course you can make friends other ways, joining societies etc.

Don't rely on meeting people in your classes for making friends though. I have loads of friends at Uni but I didn't meet ANY of them through lectures or tutorial groups. I do have friends in various classes, but that's through meeting them other ways (in halls, or got chatting in the Union etc.)
not drinking isn't a major problem - there are people at uni who dont get drunk constantly, as long as you don't mind actually going to bars/clubs sobre, then you should be able to meet loads of people etc, just like all uni students. I'm worried that you're living at home for the first year though too. Make sure you spend loads of time during the first term getting to know people, make the effort! Otherwise you might be spending too many nights at home alone :frown:

on another note - I know people don;t have to drink at uni - but surely because most people do, finding people who don't will be difficult? and so it may be harder to find mates (people who have similar interests?). I duno, im just pointing out that i know hardly any non-drinkers, in comparison to drinkers... and im in loads of societies etc ...