The Student Room Group

to sleep.. perchance to dream...

i've been so distressed lately... i've been through a lot emotionally and am still going through it, hoping that i will pull through all of this and that results will be for the better.

it's a problem of sleep really. this many not make much sense, but grrr... i want to sleep. i want to get away from what's bothering me for a while and sleep. but i just can't! my situation is consuming me. i want to sleep but i don't want to. and when i sleep i have nightmares about it. it's like some kind of grotesque cycle. i want to sleep but i don't want to be awake from these thoughts. and even if i do sleep, i just wake up to another depressing day. it's like i can't even function. i'm going to start doing a lot of activities in the day, but i know that at night it's still going to eat me away until i decomposeeeeee. maybe sleep will help the days pass but i just don't know... blahhhh i don't know anymore....

sorry. that probably sounded like a load of rubbish to you all. blah blah. sleep sleep. to die, to sleep.. to sleep - perchance to dream. ay, there's the rub.

update on the sleep situation:

i've tried reading (read 2 pinter plays), i've tried working out really hard in the day so that i get tired at night.. tried sleeping pills.. tried getting drunk (which usually makes me sleep) and i still can't do it. i've been eating healthily except for the excessive amount of fags (they calm me down) and drinking loads of water.. but i still haven't slept in exactly 38.5 hours.. and during the last 12 hours, i've been trembling quite violently whenever i sit still or lie down. i'm absolutely exhausted, but not a bit sleepy..

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When i was upset about something that hapenned to me that really shook me up emotionally all i wanted to do was sleep, but every time i slept i had horrible (disturbing) nightmares to do with what was hurting me. I tried reading in bed - just lie there and let your mind drift away into a good book untill you fall asleep, then hopefully it will take your mind off it. Worked for me eventually. Hope your ok! xx
Reply 2
this isn't a stupid comment - have you tried reading harry potter? reading them always cheers me up massively ... sounds like you just need to take your mind of things! hope you can have a good sleep soon!
hey thanks :smile: i'll try those.. i've been awake for almost 24 hours now.
Reply 4
Anyone who can quote the good Dr Hunter S Thompson and Shakespeare in the same breath is a fantastic human being. Take some comfort in that.
Reply 5
hey thanks :smile: i'll try those.. i've been awake for almost 24 hours now.

You'll start running on adrenaline and then won't be able to sleep. :eek:

But then after a while you'll probably get sleepy again.
Reply 6
You'll start running on adrenaline and then won't be able to sleep. :eek:

I love it when that happens.
Reply 7
I love it when that happens.

too true. explains why you're always up so late.
You'll start running on adrenaline and then won't be able to sleep. :eek:

But then after a while you'll probably get sleepy again.

oooooooooh really? that sounds rather cool actually :biggrin:
Anyone who can quote the good Dr Hunter S Thompson and Shakespeare in the same breath is a fantastic human being. Take some comfort in that.

hurrah thank you!! hurrah for the wordsmiths :p:
Reply 10
niiice hamlet reference
niiice hamlet reference

haha i can't tell if that's sarcasm or a compliment :p: hamlet is a great play until you have to start writing essays about it :mad:
Reply 12
haha i can't tell if that's sarcasm or a compliment :p: hamlet is a great play until you have to start writing essays about it :mad:

I found the exact same thing with To Kill a Mockingbird. :smile: I was the only person to enjoy it, because I didn't get given it as one of the books in my comparative essay.

Anyway I know what you mean. I go through periods of having really odd and sometimes horrible dreams, and while I get so tired I want to sleep; I don't want to have to face the dreams. What I generally do is read in bed until my eyes become so tired that it's easier to close them and consequently fall asleep.

I hope you feel better about it soon- it's horrible when it happens! But do try to sleep, it's important for your body as well as your mind, and you may end up feeling better as a result. Good luck! :smile:
Reply 13
compliment of course! inserting literary quotes into conversation - often accidentally - i do waay too much :smile:

(tried to think of one for that sentence but failed)
hey everyone. here's an update on the sleep situation.

i've tried reading (read 2 pinter plays), i've tried working out really hard in the day so that i get tired at night.. tried sleeping pills.. tried getting drunk (which usually makes me sleep) and i still can't do it. i've been eating healthily except for the excessive amount of fags (they calm me down) and drinking loads of water.. but i still haven't slept in exactly 38.5 hours.. and during the last 12 hours, i've been trembling quite violently whenever i sit still or lie down. i'm absolutely exhausted, but not a bit sleepy..

i just gah... i don't know....
compliment of course! inserting literary quotes into conversation - often accidentally - i do waay too much :smile:

(tried to think of one for that sentence but failed)

haha yey thank you :smile:
Reply 16
umm...this is a bit off..but what does "to sleep--perhance to dream" really mean?
umm...this is a bit off..but what does "to sleep--perhance to dream" really mean?

umm..well in the context of my post, since i said i've been having nightmares, the prospect of dreaming becomes a "rub" meaning, a problem in old shakespearey language.

in the context of hamlet, where the quote was taken from, this is what it means:
hamlet is thinking about whether he should suffer life's problems or just die, which would be a faster way to get rid of them. death = sleep. dreams = afterlife. "perchance to dream" is hamlet pondering the possibilities of a life after death which to him becomes a problem due to the (inconsistant) christian framework in which the play was written. he's worried about going to hell, basically.
Reply 18
Pinter can be pretty boring. Try War and Peace. I don't understand how that book became a classic!
Have a lonnnng ****, best thing for helping you sleep! :biggrin: