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Remembering dreams

Recently (in the past few months) Ive started recalling dreams Ive had over my life. No joke, I must have recalled about 50 over this period. It just happens like ill be sitting there and the tiniest most barely relevant thing will happen triggering my memory of these dreams, almost like an insignificant deja vu. Like I say it has only started happening over the past few months. Is it some sort of medical thing? Ive also been very stressed over the last few months. Could this have something to do with it?
Reply 1
Recently (in the past few months) Ive started recalling dreams Ive had over my life. No joke, I must have recalled about 50 over this period. It just happens like ill be sitting there and the tiniest most barely relevant thing will happen triggering my memory of these dreams, almost like an insignificant deja vu. Like I say it has only started happening over the past few months. Is it some sort of medical thing? Ive also been very stressed over the last few months. Could this have something to do with it?

I'm the same, sort of.
I never remember my dreams without some sort of stimulus to help me.
I wouldn't bother looking for a medical explanation, particularly on a student forum.
Reply 2
A2 Psychology has a unit on dreams, I just haven't done it yet.

Its in your subconcious and its been triggered by events or thoughts to recall.
I started remembering my dreams just recently (like the morning after, not dreams from ages ago.) It happens if i smell this essential oil (sandal wood i think) before i go to sleep. Which is kinda cool, i like having dreams and cheese doesnt work like they say.

Yeh sorry, lol thats not much help is it? :biggrin:

I reckon the stress could be doing it, like you say
I have dreams that are so vivid that it gets me thiking about it for days, I'll just think whats the reason behind it and why am I remembering maybe to do with the fact that they are so vivid but these dreams then coincide with what happens to me the next day...freaky!
I get the same.

Flash-back sort of things.

Something will trigger it then I'll get a picture of it in my mind then about 2 seconds later it will **** off.

Very weird!
I still have mental images of the same ****-scary dreams I used to have recurrently as a child from the age of about 4 up until I was 12, and one or two particularly striking ones along the way, and yet I couldn't tell you what I dreamt about last night or the night before.
I hardly ever remember my dreams, which is such a shame, i love remembering odd dreams you have
I have recalled some dreams a year or so later...triggered at the most randomest moments...
I had a dream i was eating breakfast once. it was reeally boring