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Am I mental for having weird dreams?

Im worried I have abnormal dreams, today I went for a lie down on my bed and went into this light dream of being on a plane that was crashing (or something) and got scared so kinda woke myself up if hat makes sense lol. For some reason I wanted to go back into the dream (probably for the adventure or something) and ended up dreaming about my friend (who told me she is pregnany in reality). I was in this place and a nurse came saying that my friend wanted to see me during a operation she was having, I remember following her then I saw 3 pencils along the way and had to choose one for some reason, so I chose the sharpest and we got to the room and she was lying there in a bed and the nurse put a towel or something over a open wound so I could talk to her then the nurses went and sat around the room chatting, I think she was in the midlde of giving birth to a baby:confused:

The reason im posting is cause I told my mum about it as she had had a strange dream too and she said im a sick weirdo:redface: I remember a similar dream last year where I went to feed my hamsters and there heads had been cut off yet they were still alive. Im really worried there is something wrong with me now. In the dream though it all seemed totally normal.:confused: Im female btw.
whaaat! no! strange dreams are the best. if you wanna hear strange dreams, talk to me. i have them always so maybe that should comfort you.

however, my sanity is questionable hahaha. but i do know some perfectly sane people who have tripped out dreams.
I don't have dreams (or rather, my consciousness doesn't remember them at all in the morning), but when I do, they're the weirdest ever.
One time I dreamt about being in my ex-boyfriend's apartment, even though I hadn't been there before. I had the layout wrong, but I described his mom and his brother to him and he suddenly just freaked out a little on me. He said my description was way accurate. In that dream, halfway through it, the floor came apart and I fell and fell and fell and was surrounded by redness that looked like blood.

another dream was on a huge white trampoline...with people showing off cellphones. :confused: Then a corpse shows up, slashed and stuff and showing off its cellphone too. Crap, I woke up.
^^^ ahah so weeeeird especially the corpse bit.

i once dreamed that hell was a giant rave party once. in the dream i had died and i became a ghost. as a ghost, i was able to watch my friends who were actually stealing my stuff and hiding all of it in hell. so i went to hell to get my things back but it was a huge rave ahahaha.

in another one, i was being chased by a green midget amputee in a loincloth. i was also being chased by a two-headed cat in a seperate dream.
Reply 4
I had a really weird dream a few days ago which wasn't nice at all.I dreamed that I was in one of the stadiums where a football match was going on and suddenly some of the stewards would pull out large guns and just shoot down lots of people and the football players.When i woke up i was really shocked about that dream because it seemed so real and it's a bit scary to dream stuff like that.
Reply 5
Haha, along with weird dreams, I am also one of those "lucky" people who regularly suffers from Hallucinagenic Sleep Paralysis - this is where the conscious mind wakes up before the body has, and so you're paralysed in bed until your body sorts itself out. On top of this, I normally get hallucinations when I'm paralysed, like evil shadows moving across my room or something. Not nice.
Reply 6
There is nothing wrong with what you dream. It is determined by your environment as well as hormone balances in your body. Because you dream something strange it means that one of these things may have changed, not that you're crazy. For the most part I lucid dream.
Reply 7
Odd to find another lucid dreamer. That knows that they lucid dream.

While I'm here I'd like to allow everyone the chance to learn it: Google dreamviews site, and try the techniques there.

If you're into it.
Reply 8
I prefer the wiki explanation.

I've been a lucid dreamer for as long as I can remember. I know it's a dream, but it feels real due to the fact I still have my thoughts and wits about me. I can change and manipulate my dreams into whatever I want. My favorite place to go is to my horses stables.

I think it came about from having very bad nightmares as a child. Ever night when I would dream I would try to alter something in my dream. I've always known they were dreams though.
to the OP...the answer is most definitely NOT. i have the weirdest dreams you could ever imagine....and theyre amusing if nothing else! even if its a really bad dream, how good is that feeling when you wake up and realise that none of it is real?! so dont worry, dreams are simply our imagination running wild and have no bearing on real life
Reply 10
I have lots of weird dreams! Lol. It is not weird at all, usually if you got lots on your mind you dream. Death sometimes signifies new beginnings. I have dream books - but this is all just for fun. Don't take life seriously!
Reply 11
What the OP just described, sounds like an episode of Lost.
Don't worry, I have crazy dreams like that all the time! Just last night I dreamt that me and my boyfriend got kidnapped by a crazy Christian sect who wanted to kill all 'brothers' and they kept trying to kill my boyfriend! At the beginning I was part of the team of Criminal Minds! But then I was in a big forest and found all of mine and my boyfriend's things in plastic bags under some trees, and I went over the hill where there was this big symbol of the sect carved into the forest, and they had him there and they were all sitting in pews?! Anyway I tried to make him run away with me but he wasn't acting like himself, he just kept saying 'he hates me' and wouldn't run! :frown: And then we were on a plane, and all I had was a gun that didn't work because it was out of ammo and also it was in fact a remote control for my telly. Anyway, it went on for ages, and then in the end they took a picture of him for me to remember him by and then let me say goodbye before shooting him - they had machine guns! It was horrible! I woke up in floods of tears and rung my boyfriend and woke up him to check he was okay!! :frown:

So, really, don't worry! :biggrin:
I once dreamt I was flying atop a giant hyperdermic syringe around a castle with mickey mouse and some wizard.

I've dreamt I was trapped in a level of DOOM being chased by monsters.

I've been chased, killed, shot, murdered others, seen famous people, cartoons characters, had sex with midgets (yes, really) and all sorts in my dreams.

We are all sick wierdos huh? Cool. :smile:

You lot should all keep a dream diary. Surely there is a 'weird dream' thread somewhere on TSR though... ?
Reply 14
humm my friend has pritty wacky dreams, maybe it has something to do with smoking pot, he talks about chainsaws when he sleeps.
I always have weird dreams and I think nothing of them. I'll blame it on an overactive imagination.
Reply 16
yep you're a complete Psychopath.

lol course ur not! everyone has dreams... and theyre always wierd. dont worry bout it LOL and just ENJOY them! i want more dreams! makes sleeping more interesting dont ya think?
Reply 17
I prefer the wiki explanation.

I've been a lucid dreamer for as long as I can remember. I know it's a dream, but it feels real due to the fact I still have my thoughts and wits about me. I can change and manipulate my dreams into whatever I want. My favorite place to go is to my horses stables.

I think it came about from having very bad nightmares as a child. Ever night when I would dream I would try to alter something in my dream. I've always known they were dreams though.

Wow i never knew there was a name for it - just thought i was crazy lol
i have strange dreams every night that i can remember really well. i quite often mix up my real life and my dream life. for example, i sometimes think i have done something when in fact it was in a dream...really confuses me.
but i record all my dreams as soon as i wake up now, which helps.
OP: don't worry, if you are weird then the rest of us are also clearly very strange indeed....x
Reply 18
dont be scared by dreams!
they often have other meaning

riding a horse = represents having sex!

some times things in ur day, or if your stressed trigger dreams!
i really wouldnt worry to much!