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Same sex admiration and attractiveness

Im more interested in what the guys have to say as girls seem to idolise other girls based on their looks (not generalising). I know im not bisexual but have you ever seen a person of the same sex or a celebrity that you just think is extremely sexy and think about them constantly. Its not like you want to jump into bed with them but your intrigued by their attractiveness.
Any of you guys had this? and if its an obsession with a celeb, then what name? how far would you go with them :p:
Reply 1
:confused: If you're having these thoughts about someone of the same sex, then I'm sorry, but you need to re-think your sexuality.
yep what the person above said
Reply 3
Nah, I don't think it's that unusual to have same sex crush on a celeb, especially if the OP is still in his teens. Lots of people can be sexually confused at that age (assuming he is).
OP - if it is just this one specific celeb then I think it's normal and doesn't necessarily mean you are gay or bi. However, if you start to get more crushes on guy celebs or on 'real' guys then it is a distinct possibility.
But one crush does not determine your sexuality.
its a she, i think..

I dont really idolize famous people for their looks, but in terms of their accomplishments. I had an obsession with julie andrews when i was younger because i was inlove with her voice, but that was it... never thought anything physical/sexual about it. I admire politicians for what they stand for not looks. I think too you need to reasses your sexuality.. theres nothing bad about being bi anyway!
Reply 5
Im male, and can never see me having a relationship with a guy. I think its purely admiration, like i want to be the person(s) i find attractive. Im telling myself this because for example male sports stars, im only interested in them from waistline up lol, i dont want to see them naked or do anything sexually. I mean i might be slightly more bi than other men but would not have a sexual relationship with a guy so am therefore not bi
Im male, and can never see me having a relationship with a guy. I think its purely admiration, like i want to be the person(s) i find attractive. Im telling myself this because for example male sports stars, im only interested in them from waistline up lol, i dont want to see them naked or do anything sexually. I mean i might be slightly more bi than other men but would not have a sexual relationship with a guy so am therefore not bi

hmm.. i think its normal, you're looking for a role model which you can associate with; what would be a little strange is admiring a woman and wanting to be exactly like her (if u get what i mean lol). Maybe you're feeling under confident and looking for someone you wish you could be in order to feel better about yourself?
Doesnt necessarily mean youre bi

Im straight but Im not affraid to admit pete doherty is the most beautiful man i can think of :biggrin:

Same for Carl, but its probably as much to do with the fact im a libertines freak and i idolise them for their music and creativity and stuff. hmm some of its style, looks, voice etc though. I dunno

How far would i go with them? hmm id probably kiss them both lol. But only so i could tell people "i kissed Pete Doherty!" haha. I dont reckon id get a kick out of it, ive never found a man physically 'attractive.' The thought of doing anything physical with another man feels kinda gross to me
Reply 9
:confused: If you're having these thoughts about someone of the same sex, then I'm sorry, but you need to re-think your sexuality.

He doesn't "need to" do anything at all. Really, its down to every person to decide what describes them best. Furthermore, the fact that you put "I'm sorry" in there suggests to me that you really have som weird preconceptions about these things. You make it sound as if there is some easy clear distinction between straight, gay and bi. Just trust me when I say that it's not that simple.
I understand what the OP is saying (I am male too) - I think I have had that before as well, but Im not gay.
Don't think its that unusual- there are lots of female celebrities that are really sexy and attractive, mostly they intruige me just because I'm so jealous of their bodies but I think beauty can appeal to both sexes in a non-sexual way.
Don't worry it happens to me too. I'll see a beautiful woman and think 'wow, she's really amazing, I wish I looked like her' and I might study her features, her hair, whatever :rolleyes: Just in admiration, because I think she's flawless. Perfect hair, skin, body, whatever, is nice to look at it! It doesn't mean I fancy her - it's just a 'wow' moment really; I'd just really quite like to look like her! :redface:
Reply 13
Maybe you wish you was that person or wish to be like them. People can have idols and heroes - doesn't mean your gay or bi!

Im straight but Im not affraid to admit pete doherty is the most beautiful man i can think of :biggrin:

Out of allllllllllllllllllllllll the men in the world you pick Pete, why why why??? And I think admiring someone of the same sex and recognising their attractiveness doesn't make you a lesbian. I'm straight but I'm in love with Scarlett Johansson!
I can appreciate if a guy is good looking, like Brad Pitt is clearly a very good looking bloke for example.

but i think the original poster may be a bender
:confused: If you're having these thoughts about someone of the same sex, then I'm sorry, but you need to re-think your sexuality.

Not true - it is easy to become fixated with someone you admire and want to be like. It rarely has anything to do with sexuality.

To give an example, there's one lecturer at my university who is a) amazingly intelligent and b) has been a fantastic source of support during my exams this year. I like her a lot, but that doesn't mean that I think about her in a sexual manner or that I want to have a relationship with her!!!
Out of allllllllllllllllllllllll the men in the world you pick Pete, why why why???


yeh he's a little bit messed up lately.

But he has that boyish charm! (haha really reaching the limits of my heterosexuality now.) And his voice is so beautiful, its brought me to tears more than once. I cant think of anyone whos more of a Romantic than Pete.

Now shhhush or I'll acuse you of reading the sun :p: