The Student Room Group

going to the doctors with gynaecomastia - adivce needed!!!

i have finally decided to go to the doctors with this and ask if there is something that they can do. Having read the article here: I have seen that there is medication that I can get to help reduce it as surgery isnt the route I want to go down.

I wondered if anyone has any advice as to what to say to the doc (appointment's tomorro). I want to tell him that I have it and I want the medication but I dont know how to tell him that without being tooo forward as docs usually don't like to give out medication unless they have to.

What you guys think?

Reply 1
Just wait until you hear what the doctor suggests he thinks is most appropriate. I'm sure surgery would only be suggested as a last option. You may even have got your diagnosis wrong so wait and see.
Reply 2
Just wait until you hear what the doctor suggests he thinks is most appropriate. I'm sure surgery would only be suggested as a last option. You may even have got your diagnosis wrong so wait and see.

well when i see him what should i say? I think I have gynaecomastia? and then see what he says or what?
Reply 3
Reply 4
Just show him your chest and let him do his medical expert bit.
Reply 5
Just show him your chest and let him do his medical expert bit.

hmm but what to say when I go in and see him????
Reply 6
I'm worried about how my chest looks, I heard it can be a medical condition. It's having an impact on my self esteem.

Then s/he'll probably take over and have a look :smile:

They don't expect a lot from you to begin with, just for you to tell them where to look and what to look for. Let them ask the questions from thereon in, but try not to let them fob you off.