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to those who dont know its a skin condition which makes your skin complexion lose melanin so your skin appears whiter than it actually is and it appears it patches all over your body.

i have the skin condition but its not spreading...for now anyway..
so yeh i have it on my intimate parts and on my armpits and a tiny bit on my face which is not very noticable however the others are.

does anyone else have the condition or know someone who has it? and do you think it will cause a probem in in sexually and all other aspects of a relationship?

any advice welcome thankyou
If the other person cares about you, they shouldn't be bothered by it. Unless it is contagious?
Reply 2
I dont know much about it, other than having heard the name. I would say that it shouldnt cause a problem in real relationships. Its the traditional thing of if someone cares about you a problem like viltigo (sorry if its spelt wrong!) shouldnt bother them, they should love you for who you are. The only way it will affect relationships is if you are self-concious of it (dont be, youll still be the same brilliant person with or without it!) or if it spreads and becomes more noticeable where unfortunately you may have to learn to deal with people staring, and then youre partner would do as well.
Reply 3
The Mudman
If the other person cares about you, they shouldn't be bothered by it. Unless it is contagious?

it's not no.

To be honest, I don't see any problem with it, my tan is peeling off on my face right now and it makes me look like i have it.

One of my friends has it and she's never cared about it and it's never bothered her.

also, there'd be no reason it'd bother someone, it's not scaley or anything so....yeah
Does it come and go, or just stay the same?
Reply 5
no its not contagious its under your skin not you actual skin..........if you know what i mean, its just the colour of you skin basically.
Reply 6
sometimes patches disappear from one day to another because the white patches are recolonised by melanocytes (i think there called) which produce melanin and therefore repigment your skin but in most cases new patches appear. but it hasnt been the case with me yet so heres hoping they dont spread.
I don't think it's bother me in a relationship.

At most it might create an interesting talking point once, but shouldn't be anything more, not unless the person isn't worth knowing and would sereiously jusge someone on something which seems rather insignificant.
Reply 8
The Mudman
Does it come and go, or just stay the same?

i think it depends on things....i'm not sure if it's 'come and go' as it were but it might change?
Fair enough... Don't think it's anything to be worried about. If someone cares about you, they won't mind some of you be differently coloured to others. It's only (kind of) like not having a tan on certain areas.
I wouldn't care if my partner had it. If I loved him why would I care?

Sorry I know this is unrelated, but my friend wrote a short story once about a woman whose boyfriend proposed to her, and she said yes. Then she found out he had a crab claw instead of an arm! Hahaha isn't that so random?

So anyway, if you have some skin condition, just let the person know :smile: