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P.S. I am also from a "mixed race background", according to the meaning attributed to the expression by the OP, and I was the only person with "darker" traits in my highschool area during my entire childhood and teenagehood.
At a very small age they may have called me "white-black chocolate" or done similar jokes, but folks, jokes are jokes. You can't be provoked or get angry for such infantile games.

What exactly makes you feel embarassed? The feeling of being different among everyone else? Or the fear that others might feel different towards you?

Pls Tell me :smile:
you just have to be proud of what you are, whatever you are.

This may be only my non-Politically-Correct opinion, but I would like to add that you should be proud of yourself as a person, and this should be independent from your background, physical traits, culture, gender, nationality, whatever...
Reply 22
I don't telling people about my background (im mixed race) b/c I'm embarrased about it :redface:

Im scared they might go 'ew thats gross'.

dad is half indian, mum is half phillipino.

You're embarrased about that? You're a joke.
Reply 23
where were you? the antarctic with polar bears for neighbours? there is nowhere in the country without some cultural/racial mix so just forget about it. no-one cares. or move to bradford/birmingham/leicester

What do u mean by that??? WTF? Not everyone in Leicester is of Asian ethnicity. :mad:
Reply 24
that's not a gross mix! I'm sure you're very good looking! :smile:
heheh you should be pleased to be mixed race for the following reasons
1) mixed race people have a greater diversity of MHC molecules, this gives a better immune system and recent research shows that the greater the diversity of your MHC molecules the more beautiful you are classed as
2)do you not find that people who stay in their race (and even further) and marry cousins and stuff have much less attractive children
3) i think half phillipeno half indian is such a good mix its like half African Half Eastern Asian sooo exotic
- mind you though being full arab (iraqi :biggrin:) i do find i am very biased towards mixed race involving arabic heritage :biggrin:. Also to the OP2 person who is Half Morroccan!! you should be darn proud! even though im full arab people are always so shocked to hear not once have i ever been asked if i am arabic they assume im greek/ mixed race/ even english (though that might be people who are slightly niave because i def dont look english) and i feel proud to say where i am from. im guessing your from leeds but surely its very metropolitin there??
itsallgood- i think every arab deep down wants to be palestinian (and maybe lebanese heh) and would be VERY concerned if someone didnt feel proud saying they were so. meh enough of my ramble.
Reply 26
Why are you embarrased by that??? its not gross- why do u say it is??!! Hu said that it was gross apart from you?? You shudn't be ashamed of hu u r!!
i dont really see why anyone would think its "gross"... the mix you have is great, n its rare and your really should embrace it as your more individual as a result!
if ppl think its gross it becasue they are jealous... btw it is a really good mix they're are some beautiful Indo-Phill ppl! Rep it and be proud :biggrin:
and the ppl that think its a gross mix should take a look at themselves, before throwing out comments like that...hmmmmm
Reply 29
Zidane is Algerian lol.

And everyone here knows this cuz it's a liberal, young person forum - it's you and not your race that defines you, etc. etc, that person is ignorant etc. etc.

Just be glad you've got a much smaller chance of getting skin cancer ;D
Hey op I'm exactly like that!!!! I just hate telling people where I'm really from so I lie, and tell them that I'm from some remote polynesian island!

Well basically people apparently don't like the place where I'm from, so I feel almost obliged to lie to them!

But I'm a guy
Why Lie... if ppl dont like where your from why are you even bothering to talk to them!! screw them
Reply 32
Who cares, you've got some indian in you so feel indian, hence feel proud of being an indian. I know I am and so are the other 1.1bil indians in the world.

EDIT: And this is considering that I am half indian half jewish lol
u mean 1.1 billion
where were you? the antarctic with polar bears for neighbours? there is nowhere in the country without some cultural/racial mix so just forget about it. no-one cares. or move to bradford/birmingham/leicester

i see you are from luton which is very 'culturally diverse'. You'd be suprised about some areas of the uk, for example small villages and towns.. Even some parts of london are inheritally racsist.
im not lying, im just insecure.

I lived in an area that used to be very white, so people saw me as different.

I'm the type of person who doesn't like standing out!!

I live in a very white area, I'm talking Kate Middleton lived a few minutes away kind of area, and I'm half English, half Filipino. I've never had a problem with people acting harshly towards me (or my Mother), so maybe it's not exactly the area where you live it's just a few odd people there. Either that or, maybe you're possibly being paranoid? I don't mean that in a mean way but you did say you were scared of people saying you were gross etc rather than many inceidents actually happening (bar that Hitler esq guy)- so embrace your heritage and be proud! The happier you are with yourself the happier other people will be with you!
EDIT: And this is considering that I am half indian half jewish lol

Whoah, reallyy? That's wicked. That seems quite brave of your parents, considering that, traditionally speaking, both cultures have seemed quite insular. My parents' friends got married, one was Jewish and one was Indian, and none of their parents would come to the wedding, which was so narrow-minded, I thought :frown:

And to the OP. Get over it. It's wicked, having an interesting and varied background. Obviously there will be skinheads/ racists etc who don't believe people should mix, but to be fair, do you really want to be admired by someone who shares the same views as members of the KKK, the Nazis, etc?
Also, I think it's somewhat self perpetrated. If you see yourself as "different" then, inevitably other people will too. If you're confident with who you are as a person, regardless of anything (especially factors which you can't change) then people will see that before anything else.
Reply 38
Im half english and half filipino and I wouldnt change that for the world, I'm extremly glad that I am a deviation from the mean and feel proud to be a mix between two races , I mean you get the best of both worlds right? Unless your physically in danger there is no need to hide it , embrace it, chin up.
Reply 39
Don't be embarrassed!