The Student Room Group


this might sounds strange but does anyone else get nosebleeds the day after something particularly stressfull? and is there any way to stop them happening other that going to the doctors?

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you just pinch your nose for about 5 mins and it should stop. im sure you know that right?

anyway i used to have them alllll the time! went to hospital about a million times, and they'd try all sorts but nothing helped. and then they relaised it was cos i had blood clotting problems, and i had medication for that which gradually reduced it. thenit staretd again, and i had this thign done where they just burn all the blood vessels in your nose, cant remmeber what its called but that helped stop them and now hardly ever have them

best go see your doc mate.
i know how to stop them but its irritating. i like my hot showers and hot drinks and i cant have them right now because my nose will start bleeding. it doesnt happen very often and im scared of drs so unless it gets alot worse im not going! im just wondering if anyone else gets them when they are stressed or if its me being wierd.
i dont but alot of my friends do... some ppl say it is related to the heat as well as stress.... keep cool
Reply 4
i find that pinching my nose doesn't work. what i do is just lay on my bed or couch and try to keep my head back and it stops within a couple of minutes.

i always get nosebleeds at night for some reason, and sometimes i wake up to find my pillow covered in blood, lol
i find that pinching my nose doesn't work. what i do is just lay on my bed or couch and try to keep my head back and it stops within a couple of minutes.

i always get nosebleeds at night for some reason, and sometimes i wake up to find my pillow covered in blood, lol

are you pinching the right place? just feel down the sides of your nose to the point where the bony bit stops and pinch there. you should still be able to breath.
Reply 6
When it's hot like now, you are more prone to nosebleeds. I get them more in the Summer, and got a few during my A levels just gone, which I think was down to stress. So irritating, since it kept happening right before I had to leave for an exam, and still had to drive to school and everything. One time (before chemistry) it was so bad I nearly passed out. Ick.
Reply 7
you could always get your nose quarterised it works

it sounds a little dodgy but still works
basicall they stuff a hot poker up your nose and the heat closes off the arteries that produce the blood during a nose bleed.
Reply 8
i had this thign done where they just burn all the blood vessels in your nose, cant remmeber what its called but that helped stop them and now hardly ever have them

Nasal Cauterization
Reply 9
Over a year ago I was changing jobs and going through a very stressfull time in my life. I ended up having a very very bad nose bleed at work that lasted at least 3/4 hour. After it went, I went for a break outside, got some freah air and calmed down. The best advice is to pinch the nose at the top.
Over a year ago I was changing jobs and going through a very stressfull time in my life. I ended up having a very very bad nose bleed at work that lasted at least 3/4 hour. After it went, I went for a break outside, got some freah air and calmed down. The best advice is to pinch the nose at the top.

3 hours??? :eek: if i hold it in the right place the flow stops instantly. i just look silly holding my nose till it clots.
Reply 11
Yeah my friends get them especially when its hot and stressful/you are tired.
Yesterday my friend got one in the middle of our leavers' service in a Cambridge University College Chapel - how embarassing! Just make sure you keep a tissue with you, keep calm and not too hot!x
Reply 12
high priestess fnord
3 hours??? :eek: if i hold it in the right place the flow stops instantly. i just look silly holding my nose till it clots.

You look silly? Never!!
Reply 13
high priestess fnord
3 hours??? :eek: if i hold it in the right place the flow stops instantly. i just look silly holding my nose till it clots.

3/4 hours, thats 45minutes...
Reply 14
Ergh I used to get the all the time, I once woke up with a mouth full of blood. :puke:
You'll grow out of it.
You look silly? Never!!

yeh last night i was in the pub eating a huge burger, chatting away and then suddenly theres blood everywhere. im sure it looked hillarious.
3/4 hours, thats 45minutes...

haha sorry i will go and learn to read now
Reply 17
I got one on an aeroplane once. Think it was the air in the plane or something but it lasted ages. And then I got one on the morning of one of my GCSE mocks. I woke up, felt my nose bleeding, ran to the bathroom sink and having got up too fast I got headrush and passed out, hitting my back on the radiator as I fell. Great fun.
eww yea ive had them whilst eating and it goes on your food without realising soemtimes yuck!!
Reply 19
I got one on an aeroplane once. Think it was the air in the plane or something but it lasted ages. And then I got one on the morning of one of my GCSE mocks. I woke up, felt my nose bleeding, ran to the bathroom sink and having got up too fast I got headrush and passed out, hitting my back on the radiator as I fell. Great fun.

ha, i had a nosebleed on an aeroplane as well, happened during a night flight so everyone was asleep and was pretty dark. Managed to find the toilet and for some reason the light was blue! i couldnt even tell what was blood and what was water!