The Student Room Group
Maths Anxiety - a fear of studying maths. :rofl: (Well I saw some other student do that, I was sat next to her doing some complex maths and thinking huh, this is weird).
Reply 2
The decline in students continuing with maths beyond GCSE level. Should maths even be compulsory to GCSE level? Should there be another maths qualification with more practical applications and more emphasis on numeracy, without stuff like trigonometry and quadratic equations?

More modern techniques of teaching maths vs older ones - older techniques like reciting times tables parrot fashion or being told to cross multiply fractions without any real understanding of why it worked. Nowadays, I believe there is greater emphasis on understanding and less on rote learning.

Has the popularity of the calculator over the past 20 years helped or hindered children's mathematical development?

The influence of social environment vs genetics in determining maths ability.

Gender and mathematics. Maths is traditionally a male-dominated subject, but females are catching up in leaps and bounds.

These might all be vastly unoriginal, but that's all I can think of. :smile: