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really bad pains:(

guys heres the deal.i was with bf lastnite.recently its kinda hurt if he really thrusts hard into me when we are having sex.but lastnight after we had, i got really bad pains in my lower abdomen,a bit like cramps only worse...very uncomfortable.woke up this morning and could hardley move the pain was so bad and it had moved right up .so when i tried to breathe in a lot it even hurt.its sore to press on my lower stomach and sore when i walk or stand up or bend over.its actually taking me breath from me its that painful.i dont know what it is but im goin to wait and c if it gets worse.i am on the pill and i had problems the 1st 2 months with bleeding throughout my packet and also during sex.ive been sexually active for a year so i dont see any reason the bleed but its getting me down and this is the climax because i dont want to hurt like this everytime.has anyone any ideas?i was thinkin appendix or somethin!mums away on hols aswell so i dont have any ideas!!help!!
Reply 1
If you are in that much pain then you need to see a doctor or go to your local GUM clinic as soon as possible.

They will probably do a smear test and have a quick look at you. Dont worry, this will be fine as long as you relax and will only take 2 mins, will be over before you know it.

I had something similar a while back- cervical inflammation- which basically meant that I would get deep pains and severe bleeding after sleeping with my bf. A course of antibiotics sorted it and Ive not had any problems since.
If its not that, Im sure they'll be able to find the problem for you. Next time you sleep with your bf, try changing the position and see if that helps.
Reply 2
see a doc...there are many potential causes, but it needs to be a doc that does a few tests to tell you. In the mean time try and avoid sex with your boyf, at least until youve seen the doc and got their advice.
Reply 3
it wouldnt be a miscarriage wud it?
Sounds like some kind of infection in the womb/cervix? The doctor will know for sure
Reply 5
i wouldn't speculate if i were you, as you'll end up getting even more worried. Your best bet is to go see a doctor as soon as possible and until you have seen them, don't have sex.
Reply 6
what if its somethin silly like constipation?i wud look silly goin 2 docs about that tho wud i not?
Reply 7
I doubt its constipation, you're better off just going to the doctors to get checked out. They'll be able to tell you whats wrong and treat you properly.
Reply 8
have to wait until tomorrow for emergency appointment.thanks guys