The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I would have thought it would do...the doctors note would probably be required though
^there are some medical conditions that cause you to wet the bed i know somone who has one of them and there is nothing she can do about it.

yes it is a medical reason so i would go for the drs note thing and im sure the uni will sort it out for you.
I had to deal with some woman who wet herself in the middle of the road the other week... it doesn't just stop when you are 5 you know.
Reply 4
Don't drink orange juice just before you go to bed.
Reply 5
I reckon if you get a doctor's note they wouldn't object to you having en suite. Get it soonish though - the sooner you do it the more chance you get of it happening.
Reply 6
If you don't contact the university you will never find out. They may give you preference when allocating student accomodation so that you get ensuit room if you applay for it but obviously you will have to pay higher rent.

Do you think privet bathroom is realy required? I don't know how often it happens to you to wet the bed. If like every other night then maybe but if it is quiet sporadic you may be able to cope perfectly well with shared bathroom. Remove wet clothes in your room, put a towel on and just walk to the common shower as if nothing has ever happned.
Reply 7
belis ^, which is why its not absolutely necesary - it would make me more comfortable though. I'd worry a lot less.
Reply 8
Please could anybody tell me whether if I told my university I'm going to that I wet the bed, and got a note from my doctor, whether they would give me a private bathroom? It's the main thing I'm worrying about :frown:

This should be in the university forum but you cannot post anonymously there.

Are you male or female?
I reckon that they'd give you a preference, yes. Although it depends on the number of en-suites they have, I suppose.
I think unis are generally very understanding about that sort of thing. When filling in some accomodation forms for one of my unis, they asked if there were any medical reasons as to why I couldn't have a shared room. I emailed the admissions people, to tell them that I had very bad allergies which led to extremely bad snoring, and did they think this qualified as a reason, and that I was happy to get a doctors' note to prove this. They sent me back a very nice email to say that yes, they would consider this a genuine reason, no doctors note needed (suprised me a lot!) and that I wouldn't have a shared room. This struck me as very friendly and helpful of them, especially as it was my insurance choice, and so I would have been more likely to get a shared room.
I know its a bit of a wussy reason, but I think I'd end up murdered by any poor sod who had the misfortune to share a room with me. XD
Reply 10
I don't see why you would get a bathroom of your own but you should be eligible for a single room.
Why would you need a private bathroom?
The problem is you pee when your asleep. not that you disabled and cant get to a loo in time.
Surely youd just piss regardless?
Why would you need a private bathroom?
The problem is you pee when your asleep. not that you disabled and cant get to a loo in time.
Surely youd just piss regardless?

i would imagine it's to allow the clearing and cleaning of mess in private...without having to take piss-soaked sheets to a communal bathroom.
umm, i dont mean to be rude but is this a joke?

If not, youre the first person ive met with a bed wetting problem at the age of 18/19 :redface:

I guess if youve got a note from your doctor then it would be classed as a medical reason, wouldnt it?

Try not to be so blazee about this.

For example nocturnal seizures can cause bedwetting.
Reply 14
Surely if you wet the bed you wet the bed, it doesn't matter if the toilet is in your room or in your corridor?
Surely if you wet the bed you wet the bed, it doesn't matter if the toilet is in your room or in your corridor?

Someone posted the reason above.

But yeah, imagine how embarassing to have to carry your piss-stained clothing and sheets down the hall to the bathroom--people could see you and laugh and make fun of you.
Surely if you wet the bed you wet the bed, it doesn't matter if the toilet is in your room or in your corridor?

if you wet the bed....would you not be embarrassed having to deal with it in a communal bathroom? I know I would.
Wouldnt you just have to take your sheets the laundry anyway rather than washing them in a toilet or sink?
Wouldnt you just have to take your sheets the laundry anyway rather than washing them in a toilet or sink?

so they'd now have to carry their pissed soaked sheets all the way to the laundry!!! C'mon people...try and understand the situation here!
shady lane
Someone posted the reason above.

But yeah, imagine how embarassing to have to carry your piss-stained clothing and sheets down the hall to the bathroom--people could see you and laugh and make fun of you.

Why would you be carrying your piss-stained sheets to the bathroom anyway?