The Student Room Group
I'm pretty sure yes :s
Reply 2
probabily, because the pill tricks your body into thinking your pregnant.
but wud it tell u if you werent is what im askin?
Reply 4
it would give a false posititve. So you'd need to consult the profesionals and get them to tell you if are or arn't pregnant.
It shouldn't give a false positive. It detects for a hormone that's only in your body when you are actually pregnant--I assume it has something to do with the fetus.

But regardless of whether or not I was on the pill, I'd go to the doctor to be sure anyway as it's a blood test and more accurate.
Reply 6
It will give an accurate result (presuming you are far enough along - it may come out negative if you are less than 4-5weeks pregnant), the only way to get a false positive is if taking some fertility medications (such as clomid) or in rare cases whengoing through the menopause (or if you have recently been pregnant it may be left over from last time)

The pill doesn't contain HcG, so if it's positive it's because you are pregnant
Reply 7
it would give a false posititve. So you'd need to consult the profesionals and get them to tell you if are or arn't pregnant.

No it wouldn't. The story that the pill makes your body "think it's pregnant" is not really the truth, it's a very simplified version of what's going on. So a pregnancy test would still be accurate provided enough time (~2-3 weeks) had passed since sex.