The Student Room Group

Runnymede 1 - good or bad??

Hey, Iv just been offered a room in runnymede 1, but ive now been told by someone that all of the flats share kitchens with other flats, so its 16 people to a kitchen?!?!!? can someone please please explain to me what the living arrangements are in RN1 coz im so confused?!!? :confused:
By the way, if anyone also has any advice about doing the classical studies degree at rhul, id be glad to hear it. thanks!!
In Runnymede 1 each there is one kitchen to each flat of 6 people, in most cases you cannot get to other people's flat unless you have one of the magic keys which open other flat doors as well as your own (Block R btw!). However there are intersecting fire doors between each flat which are meant to be locked, but if you have the misfortune of being on the first floor of blocks S,T and U, chances are that they still haven't fixed the locks on them and therefore people can come in willy nilly and steal your fridge magnets (ggrrrrrrr) besides other things. So i guess you can say that in a clandestine capacity people do share kitchens between flats. hope that answers your question

As for the Classical studies I've just finished my first year of a french and classical studies degree at RHUL and as I only did really half the work for classics it wasn't too bad, I've heard the Lit modules are a hell of a lot of reading but that's to be expected i guess what with it being lit and all! If you're considering doing beginners latin, be prepared for the most incoherent and disjointed teaching you've ever experienced, particularly if you're in the class taken by the mustachioed portugese man... plus if you've never done latin before it really and excessive amount of material to learn and remember in 8 months so bear that in mind, AFAIK the history and philosphy modules are good ones to choose, most of the units are coursework and an exam, most essays being between 2500 and 2500 words. i'm biased but I'd say do the Archaeology ones cos they're great and a wonderful overview of the archaeology of the time. Last thing, should you have any trouble whatsoever the tutors and staff in the dept are extremely helpful and friendly, if not a bit doolally, i'm sure you'll find out who i mean. Anyway hope this horribly rambling post sorts out all your queries, pm me if you want any more advise. good luck for sept :smile:
Reply 2
Thanks so much 4 that, ur the first person 2 have replied 2 my question and any of the uni forum websites!!
Yeh i am planning on picking the archaeology and philosophy modules wherever possible coz i really dont like a lot of lit, but i'll have to see how it goes.
I am gona do beginners latin so i'll make sure i watch out for the portugese guy! lol.
Cheers again, Roni :smile:
Reply 3
It's orsommmm