The Student Room Group
i dont know about the whole science of it, but i usually dream of things that i either want to happen or have happened to/for me.. But of course you do get those random surreal dreams!
You dream of certain people because you think about them during the day and when sleeping, you have time to think clearly and more vividly without any interruptions.. well thats what i think at least! :smile:
Reply 2
so what your saying is if you dream of someone or being somewhere thats where you want to be or want that person in your life?
Reply 3
I dream about my boyfriend all the time, but that's because I'm always with him or talking about him or thinking about him. I have trust issues so I often have nightmares about him cheating on me in some really silly scenario :redface: Or I just have utterly random and crazy dreams. But often parts of my dreams are things that have recently happened or that I've seen, for example, the red cube from the film Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, appeared in my dream last night! Along with an utterly random FBI parrot who knew sign language; trained by my boyfriend (who doesn't know sign language?! :biggrin:) Personally I think dreams are pretty much random but are often influenced by recent events or what's been on your mind lately.
a dream is a wish your heart makes :redface: I LOVE DISNEY
Reply 5
I keep dreaming about my ex. I also always dream about amusement parks, usually amusement parks from hell, inhabited by demons and with deadly rides.
Reply 6
physiological psychology states taht dreams are the product of random firing neurones, (which contain memories) in order to unclutter your memory and improve cognitive ability. This has been supported so could be the reason for the surreal ones.

Freudians believe it is a "gateway" to the unconcious mind and any dreams are the product of unconcious desires and thoughts, which explains the dreams of people u want maybe.

I am inclined to believe freuds theory though i generally dislike most of his work
my friend once dreamt that i was a plastic cup with a tiny bit of coke in it and she kept talking to the cup and asking 'me' if i wanted a cola bottle sweet
well this is just perfect... i was talking to my g/f and she been having some messed up dream but she been dreaming of being in her exs house, people she fancy have been in there as well!

Should i be worried?
Reply 9
i would say not, dreams are involuntary.
I have dreamt things which i wouldnt want others to know because of their content.

Because she confided in you the content i would take this to show she has no belief or inclination to believe the events in the dream.

Relate it to the idea of uncluttering really. freud analysed dreams which clearly had no meaning yet decided there was a lot of meaning and used them as support, two giraffes dream anyone?

Dont worry mate :smile:
whenever im waitng for results i dream a bit about them lol also tend to dream about different people i know dont know why really. i wish i could explains dejavus (sp?) though because i have quite alot of those and i cant explain it i swear i can see into the future !
Reply 11
ahh dejavus, i have them occasionally cant explain them, cant even remember draeming it before just when it occurs im sorta "this is a repeat", really are quite intriguing,

There was a theory i read once, something to do with nerve overlaps, u see something and by the time it registers whats happening its already in your memory as just happened. So seems like a dejavu.

However the memory shoudlnt be implanted before you have registered the event.... so any theories on it would be interesting