Last night I went to the party of some family friends and met again a guy I have really liked for a while. We got on well but, due to various circumstances, were unable to exchange contact details and I am unlikely to see him for a long time.
This guy, however, is the son of some family friends and therefore my mum has his home number. Should I just phone him up even though we never actually swapped details? But would phoning randomly be a little weird as we only see these family friends a couple of times a year? I would also rather my mum didn't know that I really like him - is there any feasible excuse I could give for needing to phone him?
I know this sounds like a stupid dilemma, but I really, really like this guy and I thought that he perhaps liked me too last night. This is really my last forseeable chance - should I just risk the potential embarassment of seeming like a bit of a stalker and the possible lifelong humiliation this could bring me in the eyes of these family friends? Am I over-reacting?!