The Student Room Group

Feeling guilty

In the past 2-3 months I have ended up going too far with my ex. Once we kissed, twice it went further. All the times he initiated it. 1st time I told him to stop, he carried on trying & then I went along with it. Thing is I still liked him so wanted it. Ptoblem is he has a gf. At the time I didn't think much of it cos I still wanted him back. Now I'm getting over him & I feel really bad about it. He never cheated on me, I know that for definite. I feel bad now for his gf. I've met her once, & will 2moro. I can't really say anything to her as it will cause no end of problems. Where should I go from here? I know this isn't really a question I just needed to rant.
Reply 1
You need to stop seeing your ex, stop talking to him, just distance yourself completely til you get over him. You've gotten yourself into a very sticky situation and the only solution is to get out of it completely and quickly. I don't really think it would be fair on the poor girl to have the girl her boyfriend is cheating on her with, tell her about it. Maybe your ex was a nice guy when you were with him but clearly he's changed and you need to let him clear up his mess by himself. Maybe you didn't initiate it but allowing it was bad enough and if you stick around and let it continue you'll be just as bad as him!
I think you should move on well away from your ex, refuse to meet up with him because it seems either he still has feelings to, or he's just enjoying the thrill of it all, and having his cake and eating it, do you really want to let him have your body like that and be 2nd best, do not give in so easily to him.
Reply 3
Well i know you should not of done it but ill try not to slate you you nasty piece of work

There is nothing you can do about it anymore. If he tries it again then say no properly this time. When you meet his gf just think about it as meeting a new girly friend and try and forget about it. Otherwise make jokes about him with her and have a bit of fun.

Hope it goes well
Reply 4
You need to stop seeing your ex, stop talking to him, just distance yourself completely til you get over him. You've gotten yourself into a very sticky situation and the only solution is to get out of it completely and quickly. I don't really think it would be fair on the poor girl to have the girl her boyfriend is cheating on her with, tell her about it. Maybe your ex was a nice guy when you were with him but clearly he's changed and you need to let him clear up his mess by himself. Maybe you didn't initiate it but allowing it was bad enough and if you stick around and let it continue you'll be just as bad as him!

Exactly. I argee.
Reply 5
I did the same thing but I didn't feel bad coz his new girlfriend was a bitch. But yeah, obviously it's not the right way to go. Try and cut contact with him - it's the only way to get over someone. Don't tell his girlfriend. That's for him to do if he wants, although it doesn't sound like the relationship is going spectacularly if he felt the need to cheat with you!