The Student Room Group

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Reply 60
yeah come on all of you,give me a bad rep just because i said how much water i drank.
actually i could try to film it the next time if i feel like being sick the whole day.maybe you would believe it then.
Reply 61
You got bad rep for that 713? How pathetic.

I would pos rep you but given my lot out for the day.
I don't think I drink enough (maybe about three - four glasses a day? Even in the summer) and my body's now sending me "GIVE ME WATER" aches as a result, where my kidneys are. My mate doesn't think it's because I'm not drinking enough and wants me to go to the doctor (I've had the dull aches since Thursday, and I kept getting them before that) as I'm tired all the time, and I keep saying no, :biggrin:.

I just probably need to drink more :biggrin:.
Reply 63
yeah come on all of you,give me a bad rep just because i said how much water i drank.
actually i could try to film it the next time if i feel like being sick the whole day.maybe you would believe it then.

Reply 64
I could drink double what I do in a whole day and nothing would come of it.

well your visits to the loo would increase
Reply 65
well your visits to the loo would increase

Reply 66
I have at least 2 litres a day!

Heres a tip in order to drink more water!

Have a small spoon on chilli powder - and ul drink 1litre within the next 5 mins!

Add a good amount of chilli powder to a bag of plain crisps - and again ull be downing the water!
LOL good suggestion!..... but you may also need some extra loo roll :biggrin:
Reply 68
Why? Do you wipe your penis after going for a piss or something?
Reply 69
I think he was referring to the spicy food..
Reply 70
Right. And a spoonful of powder is going to make you excrete more, and more often, is it?
Depends on the person, i think some handle "spicy food" better then others.... btw one teaspoon of real chilli powder will give you the "runs" = more excretion.
Reply 72
More excretion? I think not.
Ok you may not excrete more , but you will excrete more often.... think its the curry effect