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How can i get over my ex?

ive been going out with my bf for 1 and a half year... but it was like an on and off thing.. and now its all over but i cant stop thinking about getting back with him... its been a month since it all ended... ive tried to get over him by start dating again but i dont even like to kiss another guy and the thought of even sleeping with someone else is a no no...
it feels like i wont be able to like someone else the way i like him.

i just dont seem to forget him, little things remind me of him.... plz help what can i do to get him out of my head... i want to get over him
Reply 1
Try not to think about him? Try to talk to other guys, maybe one of them if right for you!
Well firstly don't rush straight back into a relationship, also try keep yourself busy as possible then maybe after a while you will start to feel better, maybe also spend some quality time with your friends.
Reply 3
from experience, don't see him and don't talk to's this wonderful i discovered called does wonders!

But at the same time, it isn't going to be easy, when someone's been in your life for a year or so you're going to have all your recent memories with them in it.

Don't bother getting out with other guys already, learn to live with yourself, go out with the girls or just some friends and just put effort into all the other parts of your life.
Reply 4
If you really wanna getm over him, you need to cut all contact - phone, text, email, the lot. Then you wait. It sucks but the only thing that can make you get over someone is time. I think you'll be surprised at how soon you start to notice other guys. We've all been there!
im in the exact same position as you i was with my gf for 1 year and a half but then she broke up with me....i coped by jjust keeping myself busy for the past 2 months although im finding it hard to move on
Reply 6
If you really wanna getm over him, you need to cut all contact - phone, text, email, the lot. Then you wait. It sucks but the only thing that can make you get over someone is time. I think you'll be surprised at how soon you start to notice other guys. We've all been there!

im thinking of deleting his number out of my phone cuz i did end up calling him some weeks ago when i was drunk
Reply 7
find someone new.
Reply 8
im in the exact same position as you i was with my gf for 1 year and a half but then she broke up with me....i coped by jjust keeping myself busy for the past 2 months although im finding it hard to move on

i soooo know what ur going thro... i dont know how il move on
i spoke to a few friends about it i mean it didnt really start to affect me until after my exams because i was fully concentrating on my exams and on revision through may/june. in a way its annoying because it means im thinking about her alot right now but its also good that it didnt affect my studies. Whatever you do though dont send him an email begging him to come back because i learnt the hard way that you will make a fool of yourself :frown:
Whatever you do though dont send him an email begging him to come back because i learnt the hard way that you will make a fool of yourself :frown:

the thought did cross my mind... but i cant have him back in my life cuz it was a horrible breakup and its kinda complicated too.. wish it wasnt tho
ahh only reason why i sent an email was because it wasnt like your usual break up it was just her decision to be friends and i just had to agree (but id didnt want to)