The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Erm, don't bother and only eat when you're hungry again?
Reply 3
no because i haven't eaten at all since yesterday afternoon and should really incase i faint or something....
Reply 4

Good idea
Reply 5
Just shove it down ya.
Reply 6
what's the best thing to try and make yourself eat if you have no appetite?

I shall present myself to you and you can eat me :p:
Reply 7
make sure you keep drinking, fruit juice is nutritious and should give a bit more appetite
Reply 8
smoke some weed?
you could try a smoothie maybe? Theyre good in that if you make them with milk and yoghurt you get protein as well as fruit or whatever you put in.....
Reply 10
what about some fruit or veg or nuts and stuff that contains sugar to keep you energy up