The Student Room Group

short term memory

Im having a problem with it... seriously i can remember minute details that i noticed at school. Like someone i saw i remember he had a different bag at a glance just now. But if im trying to do something i forget what i was remembering in 2 seconds.

I mean everyone has bad days but my best day seems like a lot of peoples worst. I now have to have postic notes by my desk or whatever so i can write down things to remember, like phone so and so, or dogs tablets etc.

Anything i can do to help with this? as its been a source of humour for a while but ive forgotten one or two important things so now becoming frustration!
Reply 1
Should hold material for up to 30 seconds .. about 7 items + or - 2.
Seeing as it doesn't let your grades slip, it's not a massive problem. However I can believe it to be very annoying! I suggest you make an effort to memorise things, like if someone tells you to ring them, run it through your mind a few times right away. Then there are also things like learning poems - try learning one and recalling it every onw and then, this should improve your memory. Good luck!
Reply 3
thanks, and yeah i know what it should be but even when we were just testing it in psychology lessons i had significantly lower than expected.

I mean sometimes its not a verbal thing i have to remember. I may get a text message and half way thru change tv channel, and i wont remember i was ever having a conversation thus not send hte message back.

or between texts forgetting the entire conversation so have to read back for what hte hell i was on about lol.
Reply 4
A lot of crap you see you don't take in. So don't worry about it, same with everyone else.
I always know when I´m about to fall asleep because my Short Term Memory seriosly shuts down lol, its like I can be thinking something then just forget what that is...although I dont mind though because I know I´m going to fall asleep :wink: