Hi, this is going to sound a bit pathetic but I broke up with my boyfriend about a month ago + we both agreed to be friends but recently I've been really low and lonely and he's refusing to see me.
I was fine and didn't think about him too much for the 1st few weeks, then he went on holiday for a week and it was playing on my mind when I'd get to see him again- when he got back I texted him but he ignored me for about 5 days until I called him + he invited me over the next evening.
We watched a film + he didn't seem that bothered about seeing me but we got on fairly well. We went out for a long time + he's one of the only people I'm close to and knows me really well, he knows I'm going through some s*** at the moment and said he'd always be there for me, so I talked to him + ended up crying and he hugged me and was supportive. His parents got back + I was embarrassed + red-eyed and left shortly after.
I texted him to say Thank You for being there but didn't hear back until yesterday when he texted to say that he couldn't meet up with me again yet, because it made him feel really down when I left. Trouble is I'm really lonely and blue and have loads of time stretching out when I'm on my own with nothing to do. I'm not asking him to get back with me, or even be a shoulder to cry on- but it meant a lot to me that he agreed to still be friends + said I was welcome at his any time I was lonely + down + needed somewhere to go. Now I am, and I do- desperately, but he's ignored my text and I feel like I can't get in touch with him at all.
Aargh I want him and need him so much as a friend- what can I do?