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Well it wasn't strictly just wandering because I knew them before but probably a few days during my Duke of Edinburgh.

I've also had wandering relationships on and off for pretty much all my life. But none really lasting more than a day max.
Reply 2
or wondering?
Reply 3
Erm like 2 months.

I get cold feet (I just ended one after a month a couple weeks back).
Reply 4
About 2 months for me too.
Reply 5
About 17 months, although we broke up for a month in the middle- so I guess you could count that as 16 months or 10 months then another 6!
two and a half years
My cousin's been dating her boyfriend for 6 years though I think they broke up once or twice in the middle.
Reply 8
15 months, and it was good for about half of that. I don't like the idea of long relationships at my age, I'm young and want to experiement and meet new people. When you are old you can be tied down, why waste your youth?
Reply 9
3 years.
Reply 10
A week :p:

I was 'seeing someone' for about 3 months but it never really developed into the official 'going out' phase so it doesn't really count.
Reply 11
1 year and 3 months to date... although we are currently taking a break. meh figures :tongue:
Reply 12
5 years 4 months for me and still counting!
7 months... 7 months too long
About 23 months... just short of 2 years :smile:
3 Months ish.
Reply 16
8 months.
Reply 17
15 months.
Reply 18
6 years, 2 months (and still going strong!)
Reply 19
two years and a week and two days right now :p: (im bored) ( not doing it in hours)