A potential skill, a talent, or a mighty will to engage in something...
Something growing deep inside, but cannot project itself onto the material world due to social norms (narrow and focused university/job choice...), social restrictions (financial hardship), geosocial limits (stereotypes, no other people with similar motivation/situation in your area), your background history (weak A-Levels; too late to start sth) or personal responsibilities (dedication towards girlfriend and friends, parents, other personal stereotypes etc.).
I'm not referring to my own, personal experience, but asking you in general whether - at an advanced age - you would be able to leave behind all those restrictions to pursue or recover something you've harbored but never allowed or found the time to blossom.
Has anyone of you done it?
One my unharnessed potentials is music. As a child I was a "talent" at kid contests, and I was also in school choirs and such things. I started playing the piano by ear and was always showered with praise for whatever I sang or played. Despite all kinds of attention, however, in my family it was something unheard of to pay for music/arts.
Today, I'm leaving school, and most of my friends have all kinds of certifications in music, have done over 10 years of conservatory or other performance arts lessons... and the only thing I know to do properly is using computer notation programmes and singing in some local choirs.
At EC level I rarely did some activities such as drama, musical, etc. but I feel that I could have done real lessons and not just going to school societies.
Maybe it's only an illusion, or a just childhood dream, a nostalgia - which seems more and more unrealistic with the kinds of restrictions I cited above...