The Student Room Group

Should I say something when I see her?

Right, erm..hmmm.
There is this girls I have liked for a couple of months. I asked her out once but she had already arranged to go out with friends (I ballsed it up by being too specific, I asked her out for drinks that night). Since then I have either not had the balls or have not realised an opportunity to ask her out again. Whenever we spoke to each other afterwards everything was fine and we got on really well and laughed and stuff. She also apolopogised a few days later as she thought she sounded a bit snappy/sharp when she said she had plans. Anyway, she is going back to college for a third year in Sept, but I am hoping to go to Uni. I'm wondering if on results day Aug 17th I should ask her out, coz that is still a month before I go to Uni and she gos back to college. Our college is in Rotherham and I hope to go to Leeds Uni. Now Leeds is not to far away (less than an hours drive/train journey) so I could easily get between Rotherham/Sheffield and Leeds as could she (I expect). Another downside is that my insurance is Portsmouth which is over 200 miles away.
So I was wondering on peoples opinions on what should I do. Should I ask her out or not?
It's highly unlikely I will see her again before results day as I only know her from college and even then she may have her results posted to her.
So yep, opinions greatly appreciated.

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Reply 1
I don't know, should you? That is the question.
Fine I'll re-word it. Do you people think it would be at all wise for me to say something when I next see her?
Reply 3
YEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! DO IT! Matt, you sound so ultimatly cute, do it!

But don't worry about all the technicalities of next year or whatever, at best it can be the love of your life and at worst a fun summer!
Reply 4
It depends. What if on results she receives results worse than she had orginally anticipated, in which case I wouldn't dare make a move. Conversely, if she receives results that she's pleased with then... :wink:
It depends. What if on results she receives results worse than she had orginally anticipated, in which case I wouldn't dare make a move. Conversely, if she receives results that she's pleased with then... :wink:

S**t good point I hadn't thought of that.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! DO IT! Matt, you sound so ultimatly cute, do it!

But don't worry about all the technicalities of next year or whatever, at best it can be the love of your life and at worst a fun summer!

Ha ha I love it when girls doctor their faces onto Kate Middleton next to Wills. I suppose your right though, yeah.
Reply 7
Ha ha I love it when girls doctor their faces onto Kate Middleton next to Wills. I suppose your right though, yeah.

Actually it's my body,:smile: my exboyfriend made it for me! :p: Would you believe I convinced my cousin it was real!?
Reply 8
Right, erm..hmmm.
There is this girls I have liked for a couple of months. I asked her out once but she had already arranged to go out with friends (I ballsed it up by being too specific, I asked her out for drinks that night). Since then I have either not had the balls or have not realised an opportunity to ask her out again. Whenever we spoke to each other afterwards everything was fine and we got on really well and laughed and stuff. She also apolopogised a few days later as she thought she sounded a bit snappy/sharp when she said she had plans. Anyway, she is going back to college for a third year in Sept, but I am hoping to go to Uni. I'm wondering if on results day Aug 17th I should ask her out, coz that is still a month before I go to Uni and she gos back to college. Our college is in Rotherham and I hope to go to Leeds Uni. Now Leeds is not to far away (less than an hours drive/train journey) so I could easily get between Rotherham/Sheffield and Leeds as could she (I expect). Another downside is that my insurance is Portsmouth which is over 200 miles away.
So I was wondering on peoples opinions on what should I do. Should I ask her out or not?
It's highly unlikely I will see her again before results day as I only know her from college and even then she may have her results posted to her.
So yep, opinions greatly appreciated.

You've already planned out how you're gonna visit her before shes even said she'll go out with you? Expect dissapointment.
You've already planned out how you're gonna visit her before shes even said she'll go out with you? Expect dissapointment.

Thank you for making me feel like a sad prat, appreciate it :frown:
I'm simply practical alright. I'm trying to make my own decisions as well as receiving advice so I put all this down so that I could organise it for myself as well as explain to others.
I don't know, should you? That is the question.

Yes, that is the question. That is the question that he asked us. Your post wasn't helpful, was it?

Matt: ask her. Simple as that. Ask her. :smile: She did, after all, apologise. Make a bit of a joke out of the fact that you both seemed keen to go last time but she couldn't. If she hadn't apologised, I'd have said leave it, but even then you were a bit blunt in asking her out that night when most people make most plans at least a day in advance.
Yes, that is the question. That is the question that he asked us. Your post wasn't helpful, was it?

Matt: ask her. Simple as that. Ask her. :smile: She did, after all, apologise. Make a bit of a joke out of the fact that you both seemed keen to go last time but she couldn't. If she hadn't apologised, I'd have said leave it, but even then you were a bit blunt in asking her out that night when most people make most plans at least a day in advance.

Thank you honestly for your post (better than some that I go in the other thread on this which was about the same girl but it was a different situation so I feel it is OK to start a new thread as it's a different situation) but did you actually read my thread (I'm not trying to get at you not meaning to offend).
What I want to know is whether anyone sees a point in me asking her as when I see her next it is (hopeful) that I will be going to Uni a month later in a different city albeit one that is less than an hour away, while she will be remaining in Sheffield for another year. I should also point out I feel that if it were to be long term relationship, she hopes next year to go to Huddersfield which is about halfway between Sheffield and Leeds.
Do it, if you dont you will only regret it, no point thinking 'what if'

Time is precious, make the most of what you can get, dont hesitiate because she might say no etc, if you dont ask you dont get

Good luck
Thank you for making me feel like a sad prat, appreciate it :frown:
I'm simply practical alright. I'm trying to make my own decisions as well as receiving advice so I put all this down so that I could organise it for myself as well as explain to others.

I couldn't care less if its practical or not. You've obviously spent too long imagining yourself with her, so my advice is: start working yourself away from her. Shes already refused you once, isn't that hint enough?
Thank you honestly for your post (better than some that I go in the other thread on this which was about the same girl but it was a different situation so I feel it is OK to start a new thread as it's a different situation) but did you actually read my thread (I'm not trying to get at you not meaning to offend).
What I want to know is whether anyone sees a point in me asking her as when I see her next it is (hopeful) that I will be going to Uni a month later in a different city albeit one that is less than an hour away, while she will be remaining in Sheffield for another year. I should also point out I feel that if it were to be long term relationship, she hopes next year to go to Huddersfield which is about halfway between Sheffield and Leeds.

Well, you could assume the worst and guess you'll go to Portsmouth and be miles away, or alternatively you could wait around, find out you're actually going to Leeds, ask her, and realise she's found some other guy over the summer. Also, don't forget, you may well be seeing each other quite a bit during holidays, and she might want to go to Leeds herself, given that it is an amazing university fairly near to Sheffield with a good nightlife, but not so close that you're only at arm's length from your parents.

I still say you should ask her - you might have a great couple of months.
Reply 15
i think you should do it.
whats the worst that could happen?
she says no. hmm im sure youll get over it and its not good to be wondering what if all the time. just go for it and find out and if it doesnt work out move on.
youll find someone else
I couldn't care less if its practical or not. You've obviously spent too long imagining yourself with her, so my advice is: start working yourself away from her. Shes already refused you once, isn't that hint enough?

Or maybe, just maybe, she actually was busy. Considering he asked her out on that same day. Life is not solely about relationships - she might have been busy with her friends, not just sitting around hoping a potential relationship would pop up from nowhere.
Reply 17
Yes, that is the question. That is the question that he asked us. Your post wasn't helpful, was it?

What do you think?
What do you think?

No, what do you think? That is the question.
Yeah I know if she says know then I'll get over it, I'm just wondering if, with only a month to go till uni whether there would be any point in asking her?

And I suppose, yeah, if it don't work out then move on. No big deal really.