Right, erm..hmmm.
There is this girls I have liked for a couple of months. I asked her out once but she had already arranged to go out with friends (I ballsed it up by being too specific, I asked her out for drinks that night). Since then I have either not had the balls or have not realised an opportunity to ask her out again. Whenever we spoke to each other afterwards everything was fine and we got on really well and laughed and stuff. She also apolopogised a few days later as she thought she sounded a bit snappy/sharp when she said she had plans. Anyway, she is going back to college for a third year in Sept, but I am hoping to go to Uni. I'm wondering if on results day Aug 17th I should ask her out, coz that is still a month before I go to Uni and she gos back to college. Our college is in Rotherham and I hope to go to Leeds Uni. Now Leeds is not to far away (less than an hours drive/train journey) so I could easily get between Rotherham/Sheffield and Leeds as could she (I expect). Another downside is that my insurance is Portsmouth which is over 200 miles away.
So I was wondering on peoples opinions on what should I do. Should I ask her out or not?
It's highly unlikely I will see her again before results day as I only know her from college and even then she may have her results posted to her.
So yep, opinions greatly appreciated.