The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Well, assuming you are applying for entry in 2007, then that is a long time away - almost the same amount of time you have been with him now! So it really isn't worth worrying about.

If it is for entry in 2006, best thing is just to let him do what he wants to do, and if the relationship is good, things will work out. LDRs can work if both people want them to, so don't worry too much, because worrying will hurt the relationship more!
Reply 2
Yeah if you're applying for 2007 then it's too soon to worry :smile:

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years and we're both headed to different uni's come this september. I'm a bit anxious but am willing to do whatever it takes to stay with him because I love him more than life itself :biggrin: And we have our little plan worked out - spend every other weekend with each other and spend lots of time together in the holidays :smile:
Reply 3
I've been with my boyfriend for a year now and i love him so much, but i can't predict what is going to happen, we both agreed that we are just going to take it as it comes, he can visit, i will be coming home, but life is unpredictable, thats reality, and as much as i want it to work, something may get in the way. But hopefully not :smile:
Reply 4
If you're not going to uni for another year why are you worrying? A lot can happen in a year?

If you are going this september then you should talk about and decide what you both want to do. If you are both fully committed, perpared to make scarifices and your relationship is strong enough then you can make it work. However, if it isn't going to work then it might be less painful to end it before you go to uni. It depends on what your relationship is like. Long distance relationships can work for some couples and not for others.
Well when the time comes for you both to start University if you both really love each other it can survive it's not easy but it can keep going. I've done it for 2 years with my girlfriend being 150 miles away
Reply 6
There's two sides to it.

I am of the opinion that love is more important than any kid of ego-centric ideas of how you want your life to pan out, and you should sacrifice anything for it..

On the other hand I altered my University plans for love and we split up a year later so it can lead to a lot of regret. At the time it was the right decision though.
I've been going out with shaun26 for 2 1/2 years now and he's going to Durham and I'm going to Cambridge (grades permitting). We never let ourselves be influenced by each other when we chose our unis, nor when we chose our firm/insurance. There's no point in making decisions based on each other because you could well end up blaming the other person if you regret your decision. A long distance relationship will be hard, but it can work, you just have to want it badly enough, be realistic and comuunicate enough.
Reply 8
I always think ahead and worry about things too. I start uni in sept in london and my bf will be in manchester and i really don't know what im going to do without him. My friend is the same - her bf works in london and she's going to uni in chester but she said to me that if you both want it to work, then it will, and it has for her. Long distance relationships are hard but if you love someone and make the effort to see them then you'll be fine.
x x
Reply 9
My bf is off in October to Manchester while I stay in Cheltenham. We're going to just see how it goes and if either of us start to resent the other, split up in order to stay friends. It will be hard, but I dont want to spoil his first year at uni, and I dont want to resent him going out and having fun while Im stuck at home.
neither of you should choose a uni just because your partner is going there. Ultimately, it should come down to the best place to do the course. Two of my very good mates have just been at uni for their first year and were miles apart but still managed to see each other.

I think that you shouldn't be at the same uni anyway, you have to think, if you break up (and i know thats not what you want to think) then it could be akward bumping into each other.

At the same time you will appreciate your spare time more if your apart i think. You will learn to get your work done and then make the most of seeing each other when you can. Plus, if you hang about together at the start it might be difficult to make your own friends because IMO couples are much less un-approchable when they are together and everyone else is on there own