Well, I'm reading English at Trinity Hall, so I'm probably in a decent position to give you an insight into the subject at the college.
Tit Hall Central Site is really beautiful, in my opinion. It's small though not too small, I think there are 109 in my year. As a result, there's a real community atmosphere and there are very few people who don't get on with each other. My year even goes out for en mass meals. First years all live on the central site, from next year some rooms are being renovated and they do plan to carry on with this but as far as I know it will continue to be third years who miss out on living in college so it wouldn't affect you too much. They tend to house people in subject groups, which I think is unique to Tit Hall. I lived with 5 or the other 7 English students on a staircase. Room prices vary, and first years choose from three price bands and are then placed in an appropriate room. I went for the middle band and paid around £63 per week for a massive room. It’s said that most people go for middle so some people get top band rooms at middle band prices. My friend who also went middle and paid little more than me got a mini-set, basically that’s one room split into two sections: bedroom, lounge. Cooking facilities aren’t great, though you make do. Some people get good facilities, Q staircase has a proper kitchen and south court tends to have ovens at least. My staircase was poor, we had a fridge and a microwave but we added to that ourselves and it was ok. The kitchens are definitely the downside of first year accommodation but I suppose they want to encourage you to eat hall food (which isn’t great cafeteria wise but is edible).
Second and third years can live either at Clems or BBC which are still in the town centre or Wychfield which is about a 20 minute walk from the centre (some third years get rooms back in college). Second year prices are generally higher than first years but there are still affordable rooms. Rooms are allocated by ballot. You get into groups of up to 4 people you’re happy to live with and these groups are put into a random order, then people pick in order and you have the pick of everything that’s left. In the third year the ballot reverses so that those at the bottom in the 2nd year are at the top in 3rd year. I know that at some colleges people with firsts get better accommodation. That’s not the case at Tit Hall, but scholars do get to keep their rooms over the holidays at no extra cost. There are some new houses being built at Wychfield now which are en suite, they’re meant to be finished for the new term (I’m meant to be living there).
College life is pretty good. As I mentioned before there’s a good community feeling and people tend to know each other. We have Vivas every fortnight (except in exam term) which are basically extremely cheesy fancy dress discos, people really get into the spirit of it too. There are also fortnightly super halls (again, except in exam term) which is a step up from formal hall and involves themes (some people in fancy dress) and a fines drinking game whereby someone sends up a fine I.e. I’d like to fine anyone who was caught having sex by their bedder, anyone who has stands up and downs a glass of wine.
One pull of English at Tit Hall is that you deal with Part 1 chronologically, starting with the Medieval paper and moving towards Modern English. This allows you to see progression of language and styles and also has the benefit or running alongside the lecture timetable, not everyone does this. The part one DoS (who I haven’t had for the whole of my first year because she went on maternity leave, but who you probably would have) is absolutely fantastic, she’s really lovely and makes you feel at ease.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask!