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Reply 1
If they want or they're happy with it, then sure, although I think your assumption that staying at home is for the benefit of the man is wrong, I expect most women who stay at home do it for the kids

If they don't want to, then well, it's not going to be a great relationshipif the bloke forces the woman to anything is it.

horses for courses.
woman should be out with a job
Reply 3
i think cooking and house cleaning should be shared.
but if one partner works all week and the other doesnt have a job then they should maybe do most of the cooking and cleaning but not all...the other partner should help too.
Reply 4
Reply 5
If females want to stay at home and bring up the kids and take care of the house then they should, if they don't they definitely shouldn't.
Some women are brought up in such a way that they are only able to take care of housework and kids, and i think its a shame to let other potential not be explored, but if that is what they are best at and don't think they could do anything else then so be it.

However, I think there is a part in a lot of males, deep down, which subconsciously expects a woman to be in charge of housework and kids, even if she works more than him. It doesn't mean he won't help out, he'll just leave the overall management to her. He won't automatically take it upon himself as his responsibility to make sure she has enough clean bras in her drawer etc, whereas it is more "normal" for a woman to ensure her family has clean socks. lol. this is a big generalisation but i feel it is common to some extent in a lot of couples.

Personally, I think if i ever had kids, there is no way i'd be taking maternal leave and my partner wouldn't take paternal leave. I'm quite passionate about equal parenting. If his job earned lots more money than mine did and it really would be a problem for him to leave work then I'd be ok staying at home, MAYBE. But in the equally likely chance that my job (i'm going into medicine, so i'd be a doctor) earned more money and mattered to me more than his job mattered to him then i'd definitely expect him to be ok with taking paternal leave and me carrying on working. However this is all hypothetical and i don't think i'd ever have a kid if we were both not ready to give up our careers. And because i can imagine my career being the centre of my life, it's unlikely i will have children.
Reply 6
i found some interesting facts one time about women who worked longer and still did more housework etc.. let me see if i can dig them out.. it's good to have some facts in a debate. although this is not much of a debate because so far only one person thinks differently from the general consensus.
Obviously not.

I can't believe this is still a question.
Reply 8
mysterious lady
Well, basically, I am just wondering. Guys, do you think that women should stay at home, cook for you, clean the house, take care of the children etc?

If they want to why should they not be allowed to? There is nothing wrong with women staying at home and looking after the children and domestic affairs.
Reply 9
more adventurous
Obviously not.

I can't believe this is still a question.

me too.
Reply 10
not at all. There are of guys that do expect women to look after the children by default soo make your selection a good one =P
Reply 11
more adventurous

I can't believe this is still a question.

Just what i was going to say when i saw the title of this thread, in this day and age!:eek: but there isnt anthing wrong with it just like there isnt anything wrong with a man who stays home without a job (there are more house husbands today i understand) bottom line: men and women should be equal and have equal say in these decisions also like previous posts have said logic plays a part i.e. one who earns less stays home.
Reply 12
Nope I don't think women should stay at home and do the house work this is the 21st century where women are expected to be treated eqaully. If so then house work should be shared.
Reply 13
I think the men should stay home...shackled only to serve us women coming home, dominatrix style.

Any women thats willing to become a cooking, childbearing, cleaning slave for a man should be killed at dawn by firing squad for being a weak peice of **** that isn't worthy of the oxygen they breathe. I don't blame the men, if they can get away with it why not...I blame stupid women.
I don't really care to be honest.

I like cooking so am more than happy to pull my weight in that department, I'm not so fond of cleaning but I certainly don't see it as a woman's duty to do it for me, although if she offers it might be too good to pass up. :biggrin:

Not something I think about, although I make sexist jokes etc all the time to wind girls up but I'm really very accomodating in that department and I don't think that women have a role that is any different from men- although some do feel more comfortable being a house-wife and that is their choice.
Reply 15
i think a poll would be kind of interesting, especially about expecting someone to take care of children..oh well
Reply 16
I think the men should stay home...shackled only to serve us women coming home, dominatrix style.

Any women thats willing to become a cooking, childbearing, cleaning slave for a man should be killed at dawn by firing squad for being a weak peice of **** that isn't worthy of the oxygen they breathe. I don't blame the men, if they can get away with it why not...I blame stupid women.

thats a tad harsh to women who decide that that is how they wish to live thier lives isnt it? for women to have freedom and equality they must be free to make thier own decisions even if that is a decision which you feel is a bad one. If you think it's bad for women fine you dont do it just leave other women to make thier own decisions.
Poison Ivy
Nope I don't think women should stay at home and do the house work this is the 21st century where women are expected to be treated eqaully. If so then house work should be shared.

It depends as in my experience women are much more obsessed with doing housework than men. Sometimes to the extent where they go over the top with the cleaning and washing etc. So I don't think that it will ever be shared equally, just because women seem to for some reason get much more satisfaction out of doing it.
Reply 18
Are you trying to be controversial for the sake of it? I know that thing are completely different in other cultures and that's the way it's been for thousands of years, but that doesn't mean that it's a rule that has to be adhered to.

To be honest, I wouldn't be too impressed with *anyone* who stayed and home and did all the cooking, cleaning and 'serving' as you put it. Independence is also an attractive quality.
Reply 19
thats a tad harsh to women who decide that that is how they wish to live thier lives isnt it? for women to have freedom and equality they must be free to make thier own decisions even if that is a decision which you feel is a bad one. If you think it's bad for women fine you dont do it just leave other women to make thier own decisions.

I totally agree. It is a shame that some women feel that they can dictate how all women should live their lives. If one woman wants to stay at home and look after the children and family she should be able to do that without feeling pressure from other women to get a job. That is what freedom and independence is all about- the right to make your own decisions about how you want to live your life.