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Reply 1
yeah 1 pint is fine isn't it??
Reply 2
yeah ya fine with one pint...

... ive had 2 before and driven.... had a stop check got breathalised and passed (could be cos im fat though lol)
What a stupid question.

Of course it's ok.

You fag.
Reply 4
lol, scott your on a mission today
HaHa i'm just trying to get the rep up.
i hate drinking and driving no matter how many it is. i nearly broke up with my boyfriend because he used to drink and drive (not much though!). In the add it says even one drink impairs your driving. ive saw what happens when someone drinks and drives and as a result a little girl around the corner from me only has a few years to live and her family had to hire a nurse to constantly look after her because the poor girl can't even breath by herself! And all because of a stupid drink driver who 'only had a couple of pints'. But technically, you can legally have a pint. I personally don't think that should be allowed but thats only my opinion.
Reply 7
Yes, but drinking & driving is not a habit I'd recommend - take it from a convicted drink-driver.
Reply 8
I know someone who got banned for a year after one pint of stella sent him over the limit...
Reply 9
Yes, but drinking & driving is not a habit I'd recommend - take it from a convicted drink-driver.

Almost the same situation. I used to drive a very quiet country road home from the pub most nights. Never met a car on it. Until one night a police car was parked in one of the passing places... pulled me over, breathalysed, mercifully had only had one or two bottles since I was getting up early and driving to work (ie, on proper roads) the next day - and as such passed. But scared the **** out of me nevertheless and I avoid it altogether now. Oh, not to mention a friend ploughed her car into her garage door once after getting quite thoroughly plastered and doing it.

So yes, bad habit to get into. Strictly speaking though, one pint is probably legal if you don't hit the stronger beers.
Reply 10
Depends on the contents of the pint obviously... Don't think I'd recommend it full stop though.
legally maybe it's ok, but I still think somebody shouldn't drive even if they've only touched a drop. Imagine if you had an accident and killed someone? I don't see why they just don't ban driving after drinking altogether
If you're going to have a pint then err on the side of caution and have one with a low ABV. So, that rules out Stella, but Carlsberg is alright (3.2%).

I had a pint after work yesterday because I also work on a bar, and then drove home. I felt a little guilty about it because I know I shouldn't drink and drive at all, but I really felt like a beer after that shift.
Reply 13
If you're going to have a pint then err on the side of caution and have one with a low ABV. So, that rules out Stella, but Carlsberg is alright (3.2%).

I had a pint after work yesterday because I also work on a bar, and then drove home. I felt a little guilty about it because I know I shouldn't drink and drive at all, but I really felt like a beer after that shift.

yeah...that's why i want a pint after a six hour shift on a saturday night.

i'm also new and it's the only time you get to know the other staff and you feel a bit of a berk asking for a coke or summin (old fashioned pub in a fishing town....not the most enlightened people).

I was absolutely fine the other night, and it's a rural community with absolutely no other traffic at that time of their wasn't a problem.
Reply 14
lol that reminds me of the other week when my stupid sister went driving around in her car for 'fun' and she was completely smashed.
That is pretty stupid.
Reply 16
I don't see why you lot are so against having just one pint. I quite often drive to the pub and have one pint and then drive back, its totally legal. I don't have a coke or something because i go to the pub to savour a nice beer with my freinds.

I would never "drink and drive" but that to me is to be drunk and drive. Lots of things can aversely effect your driving, lack of sleep and being in a bad mood probably have more of an effect than 1 pint of beer.

Though i am shocked that you can be prosecuted for having a pint of slightly stonger than average beer. I had allways assumed that one pint of beer would be ok.
I think the legal limit is 35 units. That, for the average person is around 2 pints. But, if you are small for example or have a low tolerance of alcohol then it will of course be absorbed into your blood quicker. And this is obviously where the units are measured..

So for one person 3 or 4 pints may well be enough and because they are used to the alcohol intake they may get away with it. But for a small person who doesn't often drink 1 pint may well make up those 35 units and cause them to be 'over the limit'.

Depends on whether you can handle your beer I guess. I suspect you all know your tolerances and how far you can go. But I wouldn't recommend pushing it. Not eating for example means that the alcohol is absorbed into the blood quicker and more strongly because of the lack of other 'matter' in the stomach to prevent this.

There are alot of factors.. you can work out your own capacities. :smile:
Reply 18
Err... mate, 35 units is roughly a litre of vodka.

A pint is more like 1-1.5 UK Units.
Reply 19
I think the legal limit is 35 units. That, for the average person is around 2 pints. But, if you are small for example or have a low tolerance of alcohol then it will of course be absorbed into your blood quicker. And this is obviously where the units are measured..

So for one person 3 or 4 pints may well be enough and because they are used to the alcohol intake they may get away with it. But for a small person who doesn't often drink 1 pint may well make up those 35 units and cause them to be 'over the limit'.

Depends on whether you can handle your beer I guess. I suspect you all know your tolerances and how far you can go. But I wouldn't recommend pushing it. Not eating for example means that the alcohol is absorbed into the blood quicker and more strongly because of the lack of other 'matter' in the stomach to prevent this.

There are alot of factors.. you can work out your own capacities. :smile:

35 units, rofl. The paramedics would be scraping your brains off the dashboard.

A unit is a form of measuring alcohol; not the affect it has on people. A unit of alcohol is a 25ml measure of 80-proof spirit or a half pint (excluding Stella and other such rocket fuel). It's legal to drive after drinking 2 units, which certainly shouldn't intoxicate even the lightest of lightweights. A breathaliser catches out someone who has drunk around 3 units of alcohol and if caught they will more than likely be prosecuted. It has absolutely nothing to do with their ability to cope with the alcohol.