I don't drink to get drunk.
I drink because I have a great passion for the taste; I'm always trying new gins, whiskies and wines. At the moment I've got a bottle of Glenmorangie 18 year old, Laphroaig 15 year old, Bombay Sapphire gin, Blackwoods gin and Remy Martin VSOP. It's pretty safe to say that they wouldn't be there if I was to only drink to get drunk. When I finally hit 18 I intend to join the Scottish Whisky Society, and I already go wine tasting occasionally. You certainly won't find me downing alcopops!
If I'm on a night out as opposed to a few drinks with a few friends at the pub, I'll drink to the extent where I'm tipsy and I can loosen my tongue a bit, feel jovial and such, but I don't tend to get drunk. The main reason I drink on a night out still revolves around enjoying the taste of alcohol and its effects in moderation, not drinking myself into a vulnerable position. I put away a fair bit and only get tipsy, and I don't get drunk on purpose regularly. Of course, I have the occasional arse up; I put away around 45 units on Tuesday, so I'm certainly not a puritan. I drink to excess if depressed, and I was probably bordering on a drink problem six months ago, but I sorted out my priorities. For three months life was a permanent hangover.
I really despise being paralytic with alcohol nowadays. I've only vomited with alcohol once, and I can't understand these people who get in that state every bloody weekend when it's clear they're unable to handle the amount that they're drinking.