The Student Room Group

Do you drink to get "happy drunk" or wasted...

I pretty much know my limits (as i should at the grand old age of 21) and enjoy a few drinks, as far as the happy drunk stage. Ok so every once in a while i have one to many, but whatever. I dont do the whole drinking myself into oblivion- i would hate to not remember the whole night and think something had happened which i didnt have a clue about

So which are you? Does it bother you if you pass out or wake up in a strange bed lol:biggrin:

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If I'm drinking to have a good night out I drink until I'm drunk.

If I drink to forget or to numb, I get wasted, and with a bit of luck, pass out.

I think a lot of people are the same. I know for a fact one of my best mates is like this, you can usually tell how good a mood she is in from the amount she has to drink. The less she drinks, the happier she was to begin with - she doesn't need to get wasted and forget the whole thing. Like me. We all have days when we wanna forget life is happening and feel the room spin, or at least I do.
Reply 2
I tend to do the 'get drunk to have a good time' stuff, but a few times recently I've just drunk to get wasted - sometimes I intend to 'get drunk to have a good time' but then just go the whole way and cram as much into my mouth as possible:p: (either intentionally or not). But, on the whole: the first, I guess.
Reply 3
I don't drink to get drunk.

I drink because I have a great passion for the taste; I'm always trying new gins, whiskies and wines. At the moment I've got a bottle of Glenmorangie 18 year old, Laphroaig 15 year old, Bombay Sapphire gin, Blackwoods gin and Remy Martin VSOP. It's pretty safe to say that they wouldn't be there if I was to only drink to get drunk. When I finally hit 18 I intend to join the Scottish Whisky Society, and I already go wine tasting occasionally. You certainly won't find me downing alcopops!

If I'm on a night out as opposed to a few drinks with a few friends at the pub, I'll drink to the extent where I'm tipsy and I can loosen my tongue a bit, feel jovial and such, but I don't tend to get drunk. The main reason I drink on a night out still revolves around enjoying the taste of alcohol and its effects in moderation, not drinking myself into a vulnerable position. I put away a fair bit and only get tipsy, and I don't get drunk on purpose regularly. Of course, I have the occasional arse up; I put away around 45 units on Tuesday, so I'm certainly not a puritan. I drink to excess if depressed, and I was probably bordering on a drink problem six months ago, but I sorted out my priorities. For three months life was a permanent hangover.

I really despise being paralytic with alcohol nowadays. I've only vomited with alcohol once, and I can't understand these people who get in that state every bloody weekend when it's clear they're unable to handle the amount that they're drinking.
Reply 4
I usually try and get to the point where I've drank enough to be really drunk but not enough to be really hungover. Other times I just keep going.
Reply 5
I don't drink to get drunk.

I drink because I have a great passion for the taste; I'm always trying new gins, whiskies and wines. At the moment I've got a bottle of Glenmorangie 18 year old, Laphroaig 15 year old, Bombay Sapphire gin, Blackwoods gin and Remy Martin VSOP. It's pretty safe to say that they wouldn't be there if I was to only drink to get drunk. When I finally hit 18 I intend to join the Scottish Whisky Society, and I already go wine tasting occasionally. You certainly won't find me downing alcopops!

If I'm on a night out as opposed to a few drinks with a few friends at the pub, I'll drink to the extent where I'm tipsy and I can loosen my tongue a bit, feel jovial and such, but I don't tend to get drunk. The main reason I drink on a night out still revolves around enjoying the taste of alcohol and its effects in moderation, not drinking myself into a vulnerable position. I put away a fair bit and only get tipsy, and I don't get drunk on purpose regularly. Of course, I have the occasional arse up; I put away around 45 units on Tuesday, so I'm certainly not a puritan. I drink to excess if depressed, and I was probably bordering on a drink problem six months ago, but I sorted out my priorities. For three months life was a permanent hangover.

I really despise being paralytic with alcohol nowadays. I've only vomited with alcohol once, and I can't understand these people who get in that state every bloody weekend when it's clear they're unable to handle the amount that they're drinking.

I'd have to agree with that... the only time I've ever really drunk too much was a bottle of Bacardi foolishly finished off in about half an hour. But mostly I drink now for the flavour, especially good regional ales, and it also helps to serve as a bit of a social lubricant.
Reply 6
I've drank too much far too many times, but I've now realised quite how pathetic and dull it is to allow alcohol to influence your life to such an extent, especially when the sensation isn't enjoyable in such excess. I don't like making an arse of myself, but there are just too many cringe-worthy memories (especially when absinthe was involved...) and I certainly don't like feeling ill the next day or even two or three as has happened before.
Reply 7
I've drank too much far too many times, but I've now realised quite how pathetic and dull it is to allow alcohol to influence your life to such an extent, especially when the sensation isn't enjoyable in such excess. I don't like making an arse of myself, but there are just too many cringe-worthy memories (especially when absinthe was involved...) and I certainly don't like feeling ill the next day or even two or three as has happened before.

True, but there is a semi-nice feeling to be had when you wake up for school the next day and you're still a bit drunk from the night before
Reply 8
Being a happy drunk is fun. :p:
I used to be the drink to get wasted drunk, around 15/16. I'm 18 now and I've settled down a lot, I'm a happy drunk person now, I've gone from drinking the most out of my friends to drinking the least. Though on the odd occassion (NYE, last results day etc) I do go to far and spend the next morning with my head down the toilet
Reply 10
being a student, drinking is part of life. i usually enjoy a pint or 2 whilst playing pool/darts/socialising, but going out is a different matter. i limit myself to 20 quid max a night, so if i get wasted largely depends on which club we go to - wednesday nights can get horribly trashed as the club is so cheap.

only time i really drink to excess is if i'm celebrating, finishing exams for example. n waking up in the morning stil pissed is sometimes kinda fun, but forgetting things isn't. only been sick once this academic year, not bad 4 me..
i always intend to drink until i'm 'happy drunk'

but after god knows how many years of drinking experience, i'm still completely oblivious to this concept of 'limits' so i nearly always get completely wasted. unless one of my friends beats me to it and i have to baby sit them.

then again, i can stay in with a bottle of wine and actually be quite grown up and responsible about it and not get drunk. that's quite cool.

i usually enjoy a pint or 2 whilst playing poo

i hope to god that you mean pool and not poo. because that would just be wrong.
Reply 12
:O apologies all! i don't play poo whilst drinking.. contrary to popular belief.. i shall edit that now before anyone else gets horrid images..
I like getting happy drunk but sometimes I just feel the need to buy a big bottle of Jacks and finish it off in a night...
It also depends on what I'm drinking, with wine I'm normal and just a little more sociable and I know when to stop, with spirits I don't know my limits and drink to excess and often get mouthy and violent on whiskey.
Reply 14
Happy drunk, definitely. I only need a couple to be happy drunk so it's far cheaper and I'd much rather have a good time and remember the night than be too off my face to do anything properly.
I force myself to drink because people by me drinks and then I feel bad if I don't.
Reply 16
just tell them you don't want to? i've got a couple of mates at uni who don't drink and that's all respectable and it's not an issue. i suppose, saying that, when i go to my college bar feeling rough and try an order a can of coke or whatever, if one of mates is working they'll just pour me a pint - they know me too well!!
Don't worry it's only ever one drink then when I've told them I don't want to drink its their own stupid (but generous) faults.
Reply 18
lol! fair enough! i wish i had more friends who buy me drinks.. poor hard up students or something like that..
I think it's because I'm like a novelty in that I don't drink. So its a 'ooh lets buy FiL a drink, yeah that'll be funny'.