The Student Room Group

Love ?

Well i am 17 year old and i have made the worst mistake in my life because i am in love but that is not the problem just being in love, i am in love with someone 13 years older than me, i have no idea if this love or a normal crush you have. I think it is love my heart hurts and i am always thinking about her and dreaming of her. I just feel that i need to tell her my feelings but i am scared of rejection maybe it is not love but some sort of fantasy i have no clue please dohelp me and tell me what i should do ? FORGET about her and get on with my life or express my fellings to her ? :confused:
Reply 1
I know girls going out with 34 year old this day and age nothing wrong with it being the other way round! lol!

Just tell her, you may get rejected but hey you will never know if you don't do it!

Reply 2
Ok the best suggestion I would say is to tell her but you need to realise that she may not feel the same.

Also if you do have a relationship you'll both be on complete different levels....different interests, friends on different levels, who may not accept it. It could be a crush though....hard to tell.
Reply 3
May I ask who she is to you - is she a teacher, or perhaps a boss? Or is she just a random person you've come into contact with? If you don't know her very well at all then you don't love her. 13 years is quite a big age gap, so I would suggest that rather than letting yourself get too hung up on her and on the idea of wanting to tell her how you feel, you should just get to know her a little better. Most people aren't really as special as they seem from a distance.

Just try and treat it like any other crush. If she's unattainable or if you can't see how a relationship would ever work between you then just move on.
May I ask who she is to you - is she a teacher, or perhaps a boss? Or is she just a random person you've come into contact with? If you don't know her very well at all then you don't love her. 13 years is quite a big age gap, so I would suggest that rather than letting yourself get too hung up on her and on the idea of wanting to tell her how you feel, you should just get to know her a little better. Most people aren't really as special as they seem from a distance.

Just try and treat it like any other crush. If she's unattainable or if you can't see how a relationship would ever work between you then just move on.

Well you see i have known her for 1 year now and she doesn't seem to feel the same way the way she treats me is like any other person . I am scared that if i tell her how i feel she might not feel the same way and cause problems at work (by the way she is a work mate)
Reply 5
I think its more of an infatuation than love. Sorry.
Reply 6
Stop using the word "love" so bloody flippendly. This sounds like just a the usual crush.

Your just some1 that needs to learn how to control his emotions a litter better. Dont think about her all the time, dont be infatuated with her, start looking for other people.

Oh btw first time i read this thread i read it wrong, somehow i read "younger" instead of "older" and nearly had a heart attack. I then read on to how you were even dreaming about her and felt sick.