I have been at my job in the co-op for five weeks now and I only work sat and sun. There is this old man who comes in all the time, like at least five times per day, on the days I work and he is really creeping me out...
It started out with him just maintaining eye contact for too long, then he would touch my hands when I gave him change, and now he talks to me and asks me personal questions I try to laugh it of but it's really getting to me.
Apparently he used to do this to one of the other girls Charlie before she left, he waited till she had finished then followed her a bit, when she confronted him he punched her in the stomach. She was 7 months pregnant.
Yesterday I was doing some stock checks and it was quite empty in there and he came up behind me and touched my back and my arse, I turned round and asked if I could help him he just stared at me, luckily a boy who lives down my road came over and started talking to me.
I told the manager but she didn't take me seriously and took the piss, saying stuff along the lines of 'You can't ban someone for looking at you' and stuff like that, but the other guys I work with have been keeping an eye out and whenever he is in the shop come and stand with me.
He was waiting for me outside when I finished at 6 today and told me (and I quote, "Lisa, Lisa, Did I ever tell you you are my favourite girl...And you always will be..." I said thanks and walked away but I knew he was watching me, so I just legged it home.
I know that was the wrong thing to do cause now I look vunerable and scared but I didn't want him to see where I lived. I'm a bit worried now and not sure what I should do... I can't just leave my job like Charlie did but if he waits for me when I finish at 11 on sat nights then he could rape me or something. Should I call the police, or will they take the piss like my boss did? Oh and if I tell my mum or dad they will make me quit.
Any advice appreciated (sorry for the looong post!)