The Student Room Group

how to be more positive i guess

Im going hiking to south africa for a month in 9 days, I’m hardly phsycially ready for climbing mountains. (well i'm not fat, or majorly unfit, i'm just not very strong either, i guess) I don’t realy much like or have any relationship with the people I’m going with. I’ll probably catch all host of things. I don’t want to go.

My family and myself have spent so much on it, I have to go.

I guess I’m going through a bit of a low at the moment, and I’m only staying sane because I have my mum. Friend stuff isn’t so good, they all went out without me tonight. I don’t think I usually care what people think, and I probably cant blame people for not being able to see past my sometimes arrogant, flippant, whatever attitude.

I should probably try to reprogram my thoughts or something, I just, meh. Any ideas that are easyish to do to get me positive? :s:

Reply 1
Yeah, reprogram your thoughts! Choose to think that you are going to SA for your own benefit and pleasure. Choose to think you are lucky to have the opportunity. Choose to think that every problem has a partner solution, so if you have a problem with your friends, you can analyse the problem and think of the solution whenever you want to. There has never ever ever been a problem without a solution.

Do deep breathing, close your eyes and let all the thoughts in your head float away. Think of nothing specific for a few minutes. Then speak to yourself and say positive things, make yourself believe them. "I will enjoy my trip to South Africa". "I am allowed to feel upset about my friends." "I can deal with my emotions." "I can solve any problem."
Reply 2
goto and download his free trance audio file - about 25mb, 30 mins long. burn it to cd. make ur room dark, play it, listen and relax. after 30 mins ull feel better about it all :smile: basically its a dummies guide to doing what zain88 has suggested
Reply 3
Do deep breathing, close your eyes and let all the thoughts in your head float away. Think of nothing specific for a few minutes. Then speak to yourself and say positive things, make yourself believe them. "I will enjoy my trip to South Africa". "I am allowed to feel upset about my friends." "I can deal with my emotions." "I can solve any problem."
i dont think i could physically do that, I'm so attached to my worries and I kinda think i'm in even more danger if i lose them cause then i won't be vigilent :redface:

i'll try the paul mckenna thing tomorrow, thanks for the replies
Rub yourself briskly up and down.

This 'knocks off' electrons leaving ou with an overall positive charge.
now now, that depends on what type of cloth you use to wipe yourself.
I just use my hand, but I hear using a cloth helps to desensitize you.
Reply 7
Is this World Challenge expedition?

Well whatever it is, I felt the same before going on the same thing last year, but the day/day before that we went, I got really excited, and ended up having a fantastic time.

Dont worry about fitness, you'll be out there doing loads of walking before hand, so that will help.
Reply 8
Is this World Challenge expedition?

Well whatever it is, I felt the same before going on the same thing last year, but the day/day before that we went, I got really excited, and ended up having a fantastic time.

Dont worry about fitness, you'll be out there doing loads of walking before hand, so that will help.
yep it is. thanks, your assurance means a lot :redface:
South Africa will probably be really good for you right now if your having troubles with friends etc at home. The people you are going with you don't know now but after a month out there together you'll probably grow really close and you'll meet a load of new people as well. And you would have shared the same amazing experience (and it will be an amazing experience by the way, I'd kill to go to Africa!) and your friends back here will seem silly, pathetic and immature when you get back!

Don't decide not to go, that could be the worst thing! Just embrace it, and try to let go of the negative attitude when your there and enjoy it, that's the best way to attract other people towards you. I know it's easier said than done and you can't always just forget what's going on back here, but hopefully being in a completely different environment will help, and it will open your eyes to the world a bit.

Have fun, I'm sure you will have an amazing time XX
Reply 10
it almost makes me feel more guilty when people say they'd love to be going, but i spose it also shows me that it will be an experience of a lifetime.

finding it hard to breathe properly, deary me :redface:
I'm doing an expedition too and I've been on the WCE Bulletin boards quite a bit, there's not a single person on there who didn't enjoy themselves. I'm sure it'll be great when you're out there! And so long as you're not ridiculously unfit then I'm sure you'll be fine- if they thought you were that bad they'd have asked you to redo Buxton (or wherever your training expedition was) so you should be physically fit enough to manage it. It's meant to be a challenge anyway :smile:

It's worth looking on the bulletin boards actually (, go to the discussion boards link on the left hand side, and there's a forum for 'team challenge). Not only does it give lots of tips, but it also really helps you gear up, lots of other people getting excited about their trips, or telling stories about how amazing theirs was, and so forth, you can't help but start looking forward to it :smile:
Reply 12
Elusive Moose
I'm doing an expedition too and I've been on the WCE Bulletin boards quite a bit, there's not a single person on there who didn't enjoy themselves. I'm sure it'll be great when you're out there! And so long as you're not ridiculously unfit then I'm sure you'll be fine- if they thought you were that bad they'd have asked you to redo Buxton (or wherever your training expedition was) so you should be physically fit enough to manage it. It's meant to be a challenge anyway :smile:

It's worth looking on the bulletin boards actually (, go to the discussion boards link on the left hand side, and there's a forum for 'team challenge). Not only does it give lots of tips, but it also really helps you gear up, lots of other people getting excited about their trips, or telling stories about how amazing theirs was, and so forth, you can't help but start looking forward to it :smile:
Wow, I thought i recognised your tsr name from somewhere! tbh the message board makes me more nervous because people there have actually made an effort to get fit & i havent really. I was notably the most unfit at Buxton & the contents of my bag got distributed to others. so, yeah. :s: having said that, the leader still said that even i'd be fit enough for expedition?! weird.

*runs round house in attempt to get fit* :redface:
Heh, yeah, you type 'Elusive Moose' into Google you get a lot of me cropping up!

I know what you mean about fitness- sometimes I get quite worried, but our instructor in Buxton said that Vietnam could actually be easier (though I think that was a lie as we all felt crap after spending the night sleeping on snow... Or more like not sleeping'). The thing to remember about it all is that even the fittest people will get ill at some point and you'll have to slow down for them too. You won't always be the most noticeably unfit, and even if the pace has to slow it just means the people powering on ahead can enjoy the scenery more :smile: So long as you're not stopping every ten minutes I'm sure it won't be a problem. And the instructor in Buxton probably wouldn't have said that if it wasn't true, as if they thought you weren't ready for the expedition they'd make it clear that you needed to be fitter, for your sake and the rest of the team's. (I actually heard an instructor say to an entire team that they really, really, really had to work on their fitness after the video presentation at the end!)

Fitness wise, the best thing to do now is walk around with your bag on, get used to the weight, so when they put more it in won't seem so heavy :wink: I should really be taking my own advice but it's raining...