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girl can't orgasm

the girl prefers clitoral stimulation, so i give it to her, and she is very turned on and gets close but never actually ...there. after an hour i get sick of it and plus my arms get tired and we're both frustrated. me i don't really mind, i do it to please her, i want her for her and not for sex and whatnot, but i'm worried that she is physically frustrated and might think i am inadequate. she says not at all, that it is her fault and she apologies herself, but is this true girls? and do you have any suggestions as to how i could solve this problem? thanks
i know of similar problems... don't worry about it... is she new to this? as if she gets a bit stressed out or nervous, or is really trying so as to please you, it will make it even harder for her to get there. eventually she will begin to relax and will get there, you've just got to relax yourself, and not pressurise either of you (though it sounds like you're not... just make sure she doesn't think that! :biggrin:) most girls go though this :biggrin:
Reply 2
yeah she is a nice girl and quite new to it, she says she feels relaxed and did come once ages ago, and seems more relaxed recently but she still can't these days. if most girls go through it then that's ok, i'm just worried that i somehow have been inadequate but i guess she feels the same ?
Can she come on her own?? That's easier if she's not that experienced, and when she knows what works for her she can show you!
Reply 4
the first time my boyfriend was doing that for me, it took him hours to finally hit the spot. Tried showing him, but he needed to work out the right speed and preasure by himself. Circlular motions are always good.

My advice is dont give up, keep trying and make sure you communicate during. Also can she make herself orgasm? If so she should show you and orgasm in your presence. Will help you work our her techique and the places she does it. Also she could maybe guide your hand her hand and you could do it as a team effort.
Reply 5
Just let the poor girl finish herself off..
Inadaquate is the word I'd use. I just can't seem to make it happen at all, either by myself or with a guy. It's got to the stage where I don't want to have sex, feel like someone that a guy would want to be with. after all it's not supposed to be that hard right? if she has managed it before then chances are it'll happen again.

don't keep going for hours, stop and play distract her...tease her...take her mind off things. when she's ready it'll happen. it may be she doesnt know what she needs so experiment with different ways. don't use the word a lot as I know it really pisses me off when a guy says to me ' i want to make you come/orgasm/climax....' because well i'd bloody like it to happen too but it ain't gonna!
and everyone should remember... you shouldn't be with a guy(or girl) that makes you feel inadequate in the bedroom, and if you are you should talk to them... i have similar problems with my bf sometimes, but we talk it through and it gets even better! :biggrin:
and definately get her to show you how she does it :biggrin: it'll make her relaxed as well...
Reply 8
don't keep going for hours, stop and play distract her...tease her...take her mind off things. when she's ready it'll happen. it may be she doesnt know what she needs so experiment with different ways. don't use the word a lot as I know it really pisses me off when a guy says to me ' i want to make you come/orgasm/climax....' because well i'd bloody like it to happen too but it ain't gonna!

True very true, i think it's easiest when you're relaxed, where are you doing it? Is she at ease? me and my boyfrind used to do it everywhere, lol, think it was definatly easier to cum in his bed than on the street in Qatar where yr scared ****less about being seen, or in the toilets in Dunkin Dounghnuts... but then we are weird.... basicaly try to relax her
Reply 9
erm i don't think she would be comfortable doing that in front of me, it seems quite dirty, and i don't think she does do it on her own anyway (re. just let her finish herself off)
Reply 10
speed? pressure? at least with boys it is simple. circular motion? next you'll be asking me to apply v = w^2r
well maybe she should do it on her own, at least that way she would be able to figure out what she likes - Its not dirty. I can understand if she's not comfortable doing it in front of you right away though. Most girls do anyway i think, even if they don't admit it! I remember a conversation (In GCSE RE class funnily enough Lol not the most appropriate!) where the girls all admitted they had done but were too embarassed to tell anyone Lol was quite funny!
Reply 12
yes...i pretty much know by instinct if a girl does, and most do, but honestly this one i am really not sure she does at all, definitely not put anything inside her as she's very uncomfortable with that, and she does feel it is dirty i can tell...
Reply 13
speed? pressure? at least with boys it is simple. circular motion? next you'll be asking me to apply v = w^2r

What have you been doing if not those?
Reply 14
yes...i pretty much know by instinct if a girl does, and most do, but honestly this one i am really not sure she does at all, definitely not put anything inside her as she's very uncomfortable with that, and she does feel it is dirty i can tell...

Are you the OP? If you are, then maybe that's the problem then - she just isn't relaxed enough sexually and you both need to work on developing a comfortable, trusting sexual relationship. Very few women are so highly sexed they orgasm willy nilly, and not being relaxed is a huge passion killer.
Reply 15
Its a bit like when a girl tries to give a handjob to a guy. 9 out of 10 times you will never be better than the right hand - mainly because its too jagged and rough.
Be may think your not applying enough pressure when really its just perfectly hitting the spot for her. SEe what I did there <--.
Use the flat of your tongue, not the tip.

Don't make her feel too pressured, just let the girl enjoy herself. She doesn't have to orgasm to do that, 99% of women don't come every time anyway.