The Student Room Group
Reply 1
seriously ive had quite a few

Not cos of bad teeth hygiene, a few were cos my dentist made me have them despite not needing them and did shoddy work which needed re-doing. and a few cos my teeth grew crooked and needed filling and one cos i bit a form and made a hope in a tooth how i did that i dont know :confused:

anyway ive never felt them they take like 5min so nothing major, the worst part is the spongy things they put in ur mouth to move ur lip out, and thats only cos it dehydrates u, and combined with the saliva sucker thing it means u need a drink straight after.

it feels like u have a little bit of clay on the tooth for a while if u touch it with your tongue, after 20 - 40min there normally set enough for eating soft foods.
Dont worry your gonna be fine! :smile:
The worst bit for me is the noise and the vibration of the drill on my teeth, otherwise it's really not a big deal.
Reply 3
Worst bit was the injection, but I was quite young. Ew dentists.
Reply 4
Worst bit was the injection, but I was quite young. Ew dentists.

ive never had an injection so cant comment

but there painless entirely anyway so not sure why anyone needs an injection....
Reply 5
Yeah i'd agree the worst bit would be the injection, its not that bad really but i have a fear of needles so...

And the drill thing is a little weird, but painless so its fine. Good luck!
you won't need an injection if its not too big, they might suggest you have it...but if your illnigs as small as you say it is- you wont feel a thing, as it wont be gonig to your nerve. you'll only really feel the vibrations of the (tiny )drill
oops- didnt mean to post anon
Reply 8
argh..did it again...sorry. and i cant delete those messages!!
Reply 9
I've never had injections with mine - and i've had pretty big ones!! For me it's not too bad but i've had a lot of dentistry done (braces etc) so i'm pretty use to things being done in my mouth!

Reply 10
They personally don't hurt me and I don't bother with the injection, I find it hurts more than the filling itself :frown:
God, sounds like I have a mouth full of fillings! I have 3 :redface:
Reply 11
I used to get fillings all the time when I was a kid (mostly between age 8-11). There's really nothing to worry about, the injection isn't painful because they numb the area first, all you feel is a little pressure.

Worst dental experience was when I had 4 teeth removed before I had my braces put it in. One of the teeth the dentist literally had to twist round while still in my gum, which was a strange sensation, and another tooth went flying across the room into some cabinets. Nice.
Reply 12
I had 9 last time.

They are quite painfull because its very uncomfortable, just make sure you get a good dentist like I seem to have.

She understands my fear and is my patient with me.
Tiny ones are the worst! They have to TAKE THE TOOTH OUT, because its so fiddly, they then put teh filling in and put the tooth back in again with a drill. So many injections.

Ugh its terrible!

Gl though dont be scared.