The Student Room Group

exam results - worrying myself sick

I'm worrying so much about my A Level results. I've never dealt well with stress and I have a really bad habit of worrying myself sick about things, and this really isnt helping. To get into the uni I want, I need AAB and I really have no confidence in myself. I dont think I've done it. The thing is, I can really see myself at my first choice uni, I loved it when I visited and it seems like its perfect for me. I dont even want to go to my insurance and if I dont get into my first choice I'll be devastated. It sounds over dramatic but it really will ruin everything for me.

My family and friends are getting sick of me. I'm constantly thinking about the results - what if I dont get into uni etc.. - and I keep crying and snapping at people over the stupidest things. I hate it but I cant seem to stop it, I just want my results now. I hate waiting, I feel like I cant make plans or anything while this is hanging over me.

If I dont get in, it'll make it even worse coz I know certain people will gloat (my aunt for example, as shes always in academic competition with my mum. Her kids always have to be more successful than me etc and she even tried to talk me out of even applying for uni coz her kids didnt get in.)

I feel so unsure of myself. Can anyone give me any advice as to how to cope with this stress? Or just calm me down? Its awful and I dont want to be so upset by this but I cant help it. I know everyone is in the same boat, but I'm feeling the pressure as my mates applied for unis where they needed Cs (and theyre predicted As/Bs anyway!) so they know theyre going to get in for certain. But I cant even know like them, I dont even want to tell people where I wanna go coz I dont think I'll make it. Please help :frown:

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Reply 1
:hugs: i know exactly how you feel. i just wanna know now! i just dont wanna open my results but i still want to know them :bawling:

Worry the day b4, Thats wot im gonna do! although im just waiting for my gcse results.
Reply 3
To be honest I'm in exactly the same boat, I really messed up my exams and I've just been so worried about what's going to happen. All day, every day, when I go to sleep, when I wake up, all the time. I drove my boyfriend insane. In the end I was just winding myself up so badly I decided I just had to stop thinking about it. I tried to focus my mind on other things; anything at all; just not exams or results. I'm forcing a mental block and while the thought starts to creep back in sometimes I shove it back out and think of my cat or something! It's in the back of my mind and I still know I've messed up real bad but I'm not focusing on it so it's calmed me down quite a bit. Hope you can relax too :smile: xxx

PS: I needed A's and B's too, don't worry. I DEFINITELY didn't get my grades for my first choice uni. And I hate it when people tell you 'oh don't worry, you did fine', when you KNOW you didnt, and they just don't believe you! My family aren't taking me seriously and I'm worried they'll be disappointed in me! So honestly, you're not alone!
Reply 4
Reading that post it could be me. I feel exactly the same way and am already bricking it over results day.
Reply 5
mysterious lady

Worry the day b4, Thats wot im gonna do! although im just waiting for my gcse results.

its easy to say that with gcses, they dont determine your future/university! :p:
Reply 6
its easy to say that with gcses, they dont determine your future

They do, but to a much lesser degree.
Reply 7
I know exactly how you're feeling. I'm at uni now but I did my A-levels only last summer and I needed AAB to get into uni and I worried all summer after my exams. I genuinely thought I'd screwed up but on results day it all turned out well and I got AAAB.

It's really not worth worrying about because you'll be kicking yourself for being such a worrier if you get your grades/get accepted to your firm choice.

Try not to worry and throw yourself into something exciting.
Reply 8
Depending on your course, you might still get in even if you don't get the grades.

This girl in my uni - Uni of Nottingham to do Neuroscience - she needed BBB and she got CCC and she got in. I needed BBB and got ABC and got in - same uni, same course.

Don't worry about it. You'll have done fine. And if worst comes to worst, you can just take a year out and reapply. I know how you feel - I was worried sick too cus I completely did not want to go to my insurance. My first choice took me despite the slip in grades. You'll do fine.
Reply 9
if you are worried that you haven't got the grades then contact the admissions team the appropriate uni and make them aware of your situation. Having being worried myself, and contacting other people I know who went through the same thing, firstly they all said that they often felt that the exams the did well in, the actually did worse in. It make sense - have you noticed how the people who get D's and E's come out of exams saying "that was easy".

Secondly, the uni's like it if you are pro active in your approach on the matter. If you make them aware before hand then you are much more likely to stand out, and be much more of a welcoming candidate if there are 50people who didnt make the grades and only 10 can get on.

Obviously, nothing can be agreed until the results come so I would just concentrate on relaxing and enjoying the summer.

Exams aren't everything in life, and worse case scenario is that you may have to re-take a couple of modules if you want to go to your first choice. As long as you know in your heart that you did your best, without sacrificing another subject, then you know that whatever you got is the best you could achieve.

Just put it to the back of your mind now, and just wait!
Reply 10
They do, but to a much lesser degree.

they really don't! you can easily redeem yourself in your A levels if you mess up gcses. employers wont look at them and not many universities do to be honest.its your AS results that'll stand out. :smile:
Everyone can relate to this.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure that there's a miracle remedy available to help you. You're within your rights to feel anxious, just make sure you let people know ow you're feeling. I experienced that last year when I was waiting for my rsults. There's nothing you can do. I remember just telling myself to try to forget about it.

While it's annoying when people tell you ''you'll be fine'', you're clearly extremely conscientious. Try to focus your mind on University preparation. Cross the unlikely bridge of failure (sorry, such an insensitive word) when you come to it. It's out of your control, focus instead on mentally preparin yourself for leaving home etc.

In the meantime, good luck. Take solace in the fact tat everyone is feeling as you are. You can't all have failed.

x x
Reply 12
lol... I saw that final countdown site last year. I was wondering when I would see it make a return.

I don't worry about them until the day before.
Reply 13
Depending on your course, you might still get in even if you don't get the grades.

This girl in my uni - Uni of Nottingham to do Neuroscience - she needed BBB and she got CCC and she got in. I needed BBB and got ABC and got in - same uni, same course.

Don't worry about it. You'll have done fine. And if worst comes to worst, you can just take a year out and reapply. I know how you feel - I was worried sick too cus I completely did not want to go to my insurance. My first choice took me despite the slip in grades. You'll do fine.

i reeeeally hope notts are friendly to me like that!
Reply 14
they really don't! you can easily redeem yourself in your A levels if you mess up gcses. employers wont look at them and not many universities do to be honest.its your AS results that'll stand out.

Not if you do so badly that you're not eligible to do A Levels.
Reply 15
Not if you do so badly that you're not eligible to do A Levels.

yeah i guess, but at gcse point its not too late in your life to redo gcses whereas if you muck up your a levels then you dont get into your uni. you dont really get another chance, you can resit the year but unis will see you 'failed' once and be reluctant to accept you. dont get me wrong, gcses are important! just not so much as a levels
Reply 16
That is exactly how I was last year. Same grade requirements, same thing with friends all having lower offers, same thoughts running through my head. And I'm sure so many other people are feeling it, even if they're not people you are friends with. But the truth is, I met my offer and so will most other people feeling like you. You have to detach yourself from this and enjoy the summer.

Right now make an action plan for if you do mess up: unlikely, but it does happen and really isn't the end of the world. You can retake your A levels or if you miss it by a grade get a remark/reapply next year. Maybe plan a gap year you could do. Whatever you want, just do a step by step. Also get the numbers of the admissions tutors of your first choice and insurance, and any other courses you might want to do that are available in clearing (in the papers the day before so leave that until the very last minute).

Then (and this bit is very important) put all your lists and numbers and so on in a box, keep it somewhere safe and try to put it to the very back of your mind until the night before results. You've done all you can after that. Plan a holiday with friends, throw yourself into a full time job, go out lots, anything and everything to take your mind off it. You have a really long summer to enjoy and either way with the results, you have a plan and you'll be fine!
Im feeling exactly the same bout my as's. Im aparently an 'oxbridge possible', so am expected AAAA, but I cant see me getting that at all, especially after how bad maths and econs went.

I even had a dream last niight about it. I dreamt I was at school on a normal day, when all of a sudden a teacher whipped out our exam results and just gave them to us and I got ABCC. No joke I woke up in a cold sweat.
Reply 18

I even had a dream last niight about it. I dreamt I was at school on a normal day, when all of a sudden a teacher whipped out our exam results and just gave them to us and I got ABCC. No joke I woke up in a cold sweat.

:eek: I dreamt getting ABCC before receiving my AS results too!
Reply 19
Did you get ABCC :eek:?