I met a guy in October. We started dating, and e did not indicate that he wanted a 'sex-only' relationship. Anyway, that's what we have now. We're both at Uni, he's 25, i'm 19. We get on realy well, and are very similar in terms of bacground, personality etc. I know that sounds a bit sad, but these things do make a difference, and he's commented on them himself. I see him at least once a week, only to have sex, we never go out or anything. I think he must suspect that I like him, as he said that he ''doesn't want to hurt me, but e doesn't want a relationship, and that if I do ave feelins for him, e doesn't want to get too involved''. Or words to that effect.
I'm not the sort of person to have these kind of 'relationships' and I'd propbably have been te first to condemn a girl in this position.
Believe it or not, he's kind, considerate and really, ahem, attentive. It's not all about his pleasure. In fact, if I had a boyfriend who treated me the way he does wen I'm with im, I'd be the luckiest girl alive. He ad a 4 year relationship with a girl, which he broke off. That was two years ao, and e claims not to want a relationship with anyone.
he also claims not to be slleping with any other girl, which his housemates clarify. He insisted that we go to an STI clinic recently aswell, we were both clear, but I went along with it.
Now please don't tink I'm being big-headed or anything, but I am attractive
and get lots of attention from males. The guy in question is a pro sportsman and is a Blue for a presigious Oxford University team. This is irrelevant, but i'm just tryin to explain that I'm not desperate. My friends, whom, I'm close to (I value loyaty in friendships, this isnt being said wit a lack of sincerity) dont know the true extent of our relationship, they presume we're a little more official. I suppose I'm too embarrassed to admit the truth.
I think half my problem is that I go for guys who are a little out-of-my league..lol
I generally feel quite low right now. I lost my sister last May and he's the first person I've become close to since. He's really sensitive and as talked through alot of it with me and even got his team-mates from te team e used to play for prior to Oxford (cant specify for anonymity rsons!) to sign a ball as he knew that my sisters son liked the team. I was really touched that and I supose its things like that that've made me develop feelings for him.
Anyway, and here's where I actually get to the point!....
I spoke to him an hour ago. I'm up in Oxford on Weds to hand an essay in. He's doing his dissertation so apparently cant see me. Admittedly he's a little stressed at the moment, but as quite snappy on the phone. He 'joked' that I had been pesterin him, as I'd sent him two texts in the past two days, asking to see him. I'm doing voluntary work in Africa, which has just come up. I leave on fri, and I'm there for two weeks. I told him that I dont know when I'm back, because his comment had hurt me, it was out of character. He sent me an email after the phone call, as I'd hung up, light-heartedy telling me to stop being grumpy and that I shouldnt expext to get my own way.
He's told me to call him before I leave.
Now, I know I'm only away for two weeks. But, should I call him before friday? Should I tell him exactly when I'm back? I kind of made out that I could potentially be away til Sept. Would it be wise to make it clear that I'm reluctant to contact him, due to his comment rearding my 'pestering'?
Any advice greatly apprecieated. Sorry for the length