The Student Room Group

Health and Money and Confidence problems-im a MESS pleases help

i dont know what to do any more. ive got a long term illness which i dont look after properly and i knlw im setting up horrible eye and kidney problems later down the road. i feel so overwhelmed im terrified of invasive medical procedures and of needles

Money is my other problem.i dont have a job. when i work i cant handle having to be good humoured and everything. i feel so ugly and cannot stop comparing myself to everyone. im lucky that ive got a little money left but its running out

I hate my looks and ive never had a steady relationship. im taking anti dperessants and thought they were doin me good, but in the last while ive lost the plot again. i ly in bed all the time and eat allthe time then hate myself even more if thats possible. ive not left the house really for a week now.

i saw a cbt person a few times but ive a feeling its something you need to do intensively for a couple of weeks to get a result, and like i said its money...

please somebody help:frown:
Reply 1
*big hugs* Calm down sweetie! It'll be okay :smile:

Firstly how come you're not taking care of your illness properly? Is it difficult or time consuming or expensive, or something like that?

Secondly, I am sure you could get a job where you are not in contact with lots of people all the time :smile: They might not be quite as fun but maybe something in a factory-type environment or stockroom, 'behind the scenes' as it were, or even a night-shift at somewhere like tescos or wilkinsons? :smile:

If you're on meds and they've gone a bit funny on you then I think you should get back to the doctors hun, they should be able to help you, they might be able to change the type you're on or even up the dosage a bit to help you out. I know you don't have much money so joining a gym probably isn't an option for you but maybe just try going for walks or jogs now and then? That way you can get some fresh air too which will do you a world of good after being boxed up inside for so long :smile: Also if you have a local pool then swimming can be quite cheap and you can go during the day at very quiet times when most people are at work, if you feel self conscious :smile:

As for what you're eating, if you're eating a lot it'll be difficult to cut down all of a sudden but the first step is to try and cut out the junk food and replace it with fruit, veg and low fat alternatives :smile: Sounds boring but you can get some really yummy yoghurts and low fat chocolate desserts too :smile: Boots do a 'Shapers' range that's not too expensive and has healthy crisps, desserts, sandwiches, drinks and choccie bars :smile:

That's all I can think of right now sweetie but try and stay strong and make sure you speak to someone about how you're feeling :smile:

And don't worry about how you look! I know what it's like to be very self conscious and the way I always think of it is when you meet a nice guy/girl they're so much more likely to be Mr(s) Right, than if you are some stupidly pretty girl/guy who's just going to get all sorts of horrid guys/girls coming after her and not caring about her/his (hehe this is getting silly eh :biggrin:) personality!! So you win there and you will find him/her!!! :biggrin:
Reply 2
Bump :smile:

Anyone else have any other advice?
Reply 3
CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy? I'm sure that is available on the NHS if you need it, ask the doctor about it. Money and a job - if it's a case of not being able to find one, look harder, but if you really can't face it due to illness, effects of medication, etc again, the doctor might be able to help and you could get disability benefits until the situation improves.
You should check the doc for your meds and maybe share some of the other problems....

if you need a job with little contact with ppl, night shifts do help, you just need to push yourself to leave the house just take a walk to the post office or something get some fresh air, it will do you some good.... might even clear your mind abit maybe.

sorry cant be more help ....
yeh and with the money you will defo be entitled to some benefits, JSA and pos dis.... you will need to contact the job centre about that though