The Student Room Group

help diagnosing

ok, i love checking out my friends because i want to be a doctor. generally i can pinpoint what comman diseases they have....however, i have a friend that can't go to the doctor for about anouther week and has a

red raised rash that slightly resembles acne before the sores form white pustules on the top.

however its clustered all together in a rather small area by his nipple. it doesnt itch, and its not spreading, so even though it CLOSELY resembles poison ivy before it fully comes to a blister i know that its not.

any ideas?

the sores look like this:

but like i said are clustered together in a circular form. i'm completely perplexed :confused:
Reply 1
ermm.. Dermatitis? Being as that's what the picture's of...
heat rash?
Reply 3
hmmmm we're pretty used to the heat down here.

actually thats a picture of a poison ivy rash, and like i said, thats definately ruled out.
Reply 4
which is a form of dermatitis......
Reply 5
so, could be something like allergic contact dermatitis, caused by perfume or clothing...
or psoriasis maybe...

or if she's taken some sort of medicine can just set off dermatitis like it has with me and the pill.

best to get a real doctor to have a look at it.
also somewhat resembles shingles...but think he/she could be more ill if he/she had shingles...
No idea what that is. Best bet is to wait - see what it grows/shrinks into.

Time clarifies everything in the diagnostic world. Hence the pathologist is the most accurate of all diagnosticians :P.
Reply 8
I'd stop worrying and wait til they get to the doctor. Remember that whilst you want to be one, you're not yet, so you might just be causing more worry by interfering.
Reply 9
I had a similar rash to that a few years ago in a circular pattern. My mum thought it was ring turned out it was an allergy to a fabric powder/conditioner.
ok, i love checking out my friends because i want to be a doctor. generally i can pinpoint what comman diseases they have....however, i have a friend that can't go to the doctor for about anouther week and has a

red raised rash that slightly resembles acne before the sores form white pustules on the top.

however its clustered all together in a rather small area by his nipple. it doesnt itch, and its not spreading, so even though it CLOSELY resembles poison ivy before it fully comes to a blister i know that its not.

any ideas?

the sores look like this:

but like i said are clustered together in a circular form. i'm completely perplexed :confused:

Ewww just cut it off and be done with it! Cut it off I say!
Reply 11
also somewhat resembles shingles...but think he/she could be more ill if he/she had shingles...

you were right!

positive rep :biggrin: